Sunday, December 9, 2012

pigs in a blanket

It's snowing

tonight it will be -11 degrees here  that will be a 43 degree drop in the temperature   isnt that amazing?

I just took the dogs on a walk  they love to go and they are so pretty running through the snow and the weeds   we saw squirrels and a pheasant and bunnies and deer tracks    everyone has been busy in the night
storyteller going for a walk 

I have been busy as well  today I am washing the sheets on the bed and will change them out  it will take me all day to accomplish this task   they are nice strong flannel sheets and I have many blankets that go on top of them    the weight of the work is what takes so long   my wrists get tired and my forearms are so sore at the end of any task that it is really funny   so how do I look at it ? as a miracle   to think that I can move them at all after falling 8 feet and bouncing and landing on my face   and shattering my right wrist, and fracturing my left shoulder in two places  it is truly a miracle that I can move my arms at all  so it is with meditative joy that I take as long as it takes and work steadily with rest between effort like the resting beat of the heart to do the chores until they are done   it is interesting that the responses to me being cheerful have been such a mirror of how others see and or need to see the events around them    we are connected you and I   Relatives   we are the same being so how you see things affects me   and like throwing off old clothes and old worn out stinky blankets Im going to throw off some accumulated judgements and thoughts today.
a good boy waiting for life to be kinder

Remember that in the circle we ask for what we need and we give what we can

last summer I asked a GMa to teach the young people that come to her house about the circle of reciprocation.  She supports and gives to them and "teaches" them in their efforts to gain an education and a foothold on life. she feeds and houses them, helps them with homework or studies, and supports their economic foothold in the college age time of developing their life.  she asked me what could she do to help support the GMa house here in Pipsetone.  What I shared with her was this  
there is no secret ingredient

do not make the mistake of only teaching to take and look forward  to these young people   If you do not teach them to reciprocate and to give back to the circle that has and is sustaining them then you are teaching them to burn like an endless fire of consumption rather than create  the heat of recycling energy

I asked her how important the GMa house was and is to her and she said it was extremely important and that she hears the spirits speak to her about it and that she knows that this work is so very important to her personally.  She has come here and seen and felt for herself that this house is for her and for the people.  She assured me that she gets it. so I asked her  put out a bowl on the table where you eat and feed these young people   put out a bowl and a little note that says for the GMa house  and when they ask you what it means tell them.  Simply tell them  about the house and what it means to you and ask them to give to you  to give back to you $1.00 or $5.00  the cost of a coffee or a beer or a movie   ask them to put that in the bowl   and to give of them selves back to that which matters to you.  

Three times since last fall she and I have spoken and three times I have said put out the bowl.  simply ask them to sustain what has sustained them   teach them to give back    
medicine wheels are everywhere

dont wait and don't falter  give now a little bit  give what you can and do it until the need is finished  then you will have taught them that every little action can add up    each thing that gives back is sustaining that brought them to that place .  you will have taught them that you will speak up for what is dear to your heart and that it is important for them to give to what matters to you even as you have given to what matters to them.   if you do not teach them this way of thinking and giving and doing now    now while they are being trained for their future then it will not be a part of their future   it will not be a part of their fabric  and then the cloth that they weave will have holes in it and the clothes that they create from that fabric will not wear well and will not break down into sustainable support for the next weaver

the world right now has been made in the image of the seller to the consumer  not the give and receiver  it has been made in an unsustainable manner      for every mile that we drive with our cars do we put back in the earth one barrel of oil?   for every gallon of water that we drink do we put back in place the filter that will provide the next drink? for each bag of groceries do we make sure that one square foot of earth is free from trash so that it will grow food for a cow or for a lettuce?   if we do not choose to teach  those who are within the reach of our own table, including ourselves, to give back  to look and to recognize what has sustained us and what is and has provided us with the life that we are freely given to use each day to the end of our own choosing  then how long will it take for that life to run out?  how many lives will it take being lost before we have the gumption to ask that those sitting at our table give back to what matters?
are we there yet?

Still after all this time there is no bowl on the table    no teaching the children to understand that the food and money and opportunity come from a mentation, a heart and mind that recognizes the importance of the opportunity that those young people represent.  She has yet to teach them that they are not the only opportunity present!!!  it is perhaps just as if not more important to teach them to turn around and sustain what sustains them.   You   we I must teach that if we do not sustain what sustains us then in the end all opportunity will cease.   GMa's ask that the world around you sustain you.  that it sustain me  that this house be sustained.  Brush aside fear or judgement or habit  brush them into the trash like so much debris and get down in the mud dig up the pearls and make bricks out of this opportunity.  

Otherwise we are teaching selfishness   we are teaching consumerism  we are teaching judgement  we are teaching ego

You know we ask the spirits for things   we ask for care, for healing for grace, for food, for heat, for money, for comfort in death, for joy, for understanding, for ???????  we ask  and they give

but what do we give   do we give all we can  do we ask for what we need?   GMas call me and ask what can I do?  and I say  put out the bowl  
Story driving

put out the bowl   everywhere you go  put out the bowl  ask that what sustains you be sustained  

ask that what sustains you be sustained  

include everyone in that opportunity  
Lewis and Clark and thier dog 

include everyone in that opportunity

if you decide for someone that they are not worth asking then you are using them to mask your own faltering thought

If you are waiting for me to come and ask then you are missing the point of you

how much do you want the spirits or life to falter when it comes to you ?

if you are not giving all that you can then why do you expect others to?

if the circle that we are creating is based on not asking and not being willing to receive and not being willing to give all that we can  then how much will that circle accomplish ?

not much
snow business

it is going to be -11 degrees this evening here in Pipestone

how much does it matter to you what the spirits have given to you from this house? from the Pipes, from the travels I have and do make to give all that is given to me to you. I have said before that you called and the spirits answered.  you asked that myself and this house and these pipes come and we showed up.  I have been traveling to this place since I was born.  and I am delighted to love you and meet you and be here with you and for this great circle.  All i have I have given to this great circle and will continue.   but I have to give and act in a sustainable manner.  so for me to understand this I had to be stopped.  And also to stop doing for you and ask you for what I need. Not just for heat and not for physical reasons that can be justified by an accountant or a consciousness but because the asking and the giving and the action must be from a sustainable perspective.  It has to be done in a way that changes everything in the present while preparing the resources for the future.  If we grow a one time big crop of high dollar food that takes the ground years to recover from ( i.e... nuclear power and waste)  then we have made a non sustainable choice.  and the bible teaches us that  giving pearls to swine is not just stupid it is wasteful  so shall we ask the spirits to eliminate the swine?  shall we stop giving the pearls? or shall we get the people out in the mud working together to clean up the system?
the beginning house was not sustainable

I say we clean up the system  I say we learn to give not from acceptable loss   but  from a commitment that refuses to not be fulfilled, from a trust that asking and including all as one will not only meet this small need but create a way of communicating and interacting that will actually change the world.  You can do this that easily. Everyone I meet here and everywhere I have been knows about the panda, the house, the GMas, the work and the blog. I do this because I am still holding the fire at Lame Deer, and because like GMa Margaret I know that the prayer is still being delivered.

It is time for me to ask you to learn to go out in the world and talk about the GMa house, the pipes, the panda, the commitment to the now and the future, that we go out and ask for what we need from everyone that we know  
kitty in his winter outfit

we must take the circle practice out into the world
we must with everyone we meet and in every arena   ask for what we need and give what we can

if you go to church take your bowl to church and stand up and ask them to fill it
if you are saving for an inheritance call that relative and say what is more important? heat and the sustainable gift of the house or a large cant take it with you chunk when you die?
Is it more important to put non sustainable toys under a christmas tree or to give something that cant be measured like the original gift of christmas?

where are the pearls  ?
what is the mud?
are you making bricks or pigs out of your relatives friends and life?
think about it
are we handicapped or handicap able?

I am asking you to change    to change not because I need heat and the house needs work  

I am asking you to change so that we have a different world  so that it adds up to bricks not pigs in the mud

put out the bowl
it is going to be -11 here tonight

love and light shadow and song
Please send more long romantic letters; they burn so well

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