Tuesday, April 30, 2013


good morning Relatives 

I suggest that all of you watch the Kung Fu Panda today

below you will find an excerpt from the book I am writing about holding the fire at Lame Deer 

 A beginners mind is not a child's’ mind. It is also what is meant by the uncarved block. Unfortunately most of us have and do carve up the blocks of our minds and try to fit the world and those around us in those blocks. Thus the term blockhead. One of the reasons I really like the movie Kung Fu Panda is that Po the main character learns his skills, advances in his work but he always returns to the beginners mind. The Chinese word "Pu" is often translated as "the uncarved block.” It refers to a state of pure potential which is the primordial condition of the mind before the arising of experience. The Taoist concept of Pu points to perception without prejudice, i.e. beyond dualistic distinctions such as right/wrong, good/bad, black/white, beautiful/ugly. It is a state of mental unity which places the Taoist, or any practitioner into alignment with the beginners mind.[1} It is this mind that is also known as the gift of the shadowless sword. The shadowless sword is used to protect what is precious. It is used to hold the fire, wait for the prayer to do its work. Holding the shadowless sword with the beginners mind allows us to endure the violent storm that comes to clean out the house, it keeps us from recreating harm, so that that house finally can be filled with peace. 
Love is not meant to conquer but to witness, money is not meant to create slavery but to enhance freedom, forgiveness is not about dominance or retribution but about acceptance, the beginners mind is not about absence of knowledge but the lack of grasping its application, spirituality is not about religious right but the beauty and nuance of faith, humanness is not about same exactness but about diversity. 

Yet all these things are not of value unless they are actually practiced in our daily lives. 

may you go in peace 
may you seek the beginners mind
may you hold the shadowless sword 
may you do no harm 

love love love 

[1] the definition for "PU" came from wikipedia  I am grateful to that website for its work and the people who contribute to its existence

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Woman's Touch

Good Morning Relatives

it has been a big week here at the Center of the East and West Gate    the snow has finally melted and the grass overnight is green and growing so fast I swear you can watch it changing

last Saturday I went to see a screening of the the film "The Ioway 2&3"  it is was the second and third films in a series about the Ioway Indian tribe made by Fourth Wall Films.  The series is about the history of the Ioway from pre european through today.
I have not seen the first film. this film was to me extraordinary in that it showed three things about this group of people that I felt were significant
the first was that they are generous   in the film, which is more like a documentary than a feature film, they recount how a group of Ioway went to Europe to plead for support and help in their struggle to keep their lands and homes  their way of living as well as their spiritual practices. Like many other tribes the Ioway had made agreements with the us government in an effort to protect them selves from annihilation.  also like so many other tribes the agreements were not upheld and the payments the land and their traditional lives eventually were absconded by people who sought profit by exploiting the situation  or who thought by right of the doctrine of discovery (which is an interesting thing to google) that because they were not christian they had no rights

the Ioway are still here though and they are recovering what they can
which were the other two really cool things in the film  the Ioway have kept and continue to use their relationship with the horse to make their lives meaningful and rich (rich as in full not money)
the third thing was that the film documented a young Ioway woman who talked about how living as an Ioway and incorporating the traditional dances, the language, and their way of thinking into her daily life is what kept the tribe intact and held the promise of survival

before all was lost back in the 1800's the Ioway sent a delegation to Europe to ask for help
In native tradition a council is held to talk about grievances. a circle is called to freely and openly hold to the light any action or inaction that is causing distress. In the circle council the use of an equal and broad perspective was designed to keep things in balance. it was understood that anyone who sat in the circle would be able to speak equally and that the decisions made in council would be respected. I believe  the Ioway must have thought that pleading their case to the world council, people who appeared to be as powerful as the US would bring support and that they would get a fair hearing, fair meaning that they would have the support of those who listened.  what they did not count on was that the people whom they were seeking support from saw them as oddities and that because they were not christian or of a white skin color they were not equal human beings that deserved support from their fellow human beings rather than receive support they were given boxes of bibles to take home
it is of course complicated to seek help when one group of people live one way and the majority lives another as is evident still on the world stage in the lives of gay and lesbian people, people who are against mining in wisconsin, and people who do not want our country to go to war or to continue wars for profit  it s a big list in our world today I believe there are more people who would choose peace rather than profit if we sat in council together.

what was interesting about this trip that the Ioway made to Europe and part of what made the film extraordinary was that the film documented that the Ioway, while they were in Europe, gave all of their own money to the poor that they encountered.  while they were there they saw people who were in greater need than they were and so they gave all they had to help relieve that suffering trusting that not only was it the right thing to do but they believed in their own faith the circle of life and the plenty that exists and they acted on it without reserve They saw the people of Europe as their family and that family was in need so they immediately acted on it without regret or fear

in the film it was finally documented that the indian people were not angry or savage or faithless  but that they were kind, humanitarian and willing to give all they had to take care of another who is in need trusting that life would in turn take care of them  it was an example that was not recognized at the time

that generosity still exists in those people today   that generosity still exists in the blood and the heart and the action of the native people who survive   I believe that it still exists in others as well

it is an important factor to remember in the efforts that we all are making to grow new grass in a country that has endured a long winter

as a person of mixed blood heritage, red and white, and also as a person who was not raised in the red society but the white, and also as a person whose red genes have led down a long road of learning and practicing and eventually living the middle life guided by the inner blood understanding and memory, the teachings of traditional ways by both native teachers but also by the practice of the ceremonies and the other beings that make up our world, and who also has the educated logical mind and experience of living in and growing up amongst the white world  I did not see where my inner impulses for generosity and kindness originated until I went to Lame Deer, worked with Margaret and the other native pipe carriers there and saw the film and met one of the Ioway who was there to speak afterwards

I found comfort in the public acknowledgement of kindness in my relatives  while I am not a descendant of the Ioway I am a descendant of native people  people who are kind and generous perhaps, in the overwhelming power of the society that strives to conquer all of us, generous to a fault. but things are not finished yet as the greening grass in the lawn outside reminds me
things are not yet finished growing here in the land of brave and the home of the free  it is the heart of the native people that was not and cannot be conquered by greed  it is that heart in all of us that I wish to speak to today

I have sought to find my home, my nature, my safety and solace while also enjoying and participating in this world amongst my friends as well as within myself no matter what skin color any of us are and no matter where we were raised or what we choose as our own personal spiritual pursuit

there have been so many many times when I have had a different thought or a different perspective or experience than was expressed by those around me    it was confusing at times  more often that not and also isolating in a very long uncomfortable way    its like being a person who can see a whole different universe around and through all of us yet it is continually surprising to me that others don't see it

it is and always has been for me a world created, grown and evolving from kindness, from generosity, from peace   a world heart that beats from love

I put together a little puzzle this morning. it is a little puzzle that was discovered amongst my great-grandmothers things after my grandmother died   I think it came out of a soap box  kind of like a prize only it wasn't a cracker jack box    It is the picture of a little girl brushing her dogs teeth  once I finished the puzzle I thought about how funny it is that my great-grandmother, then my grandmother, then my mom kept this puzzle and my sister got it and she gave it to me and I am a veterinary dentist. how funny to think of my great-grandmother looking at a puzzle of a girl brushing dogs teeth so long ago

when i look at the picture on the puzzle I see a little girl forcing her dog to submit to her will  and the dog is struggling and the girl is determined  maybe I see that because the film reminded me that it was when people decided to force a others who were in their "care" to do what they decided was good for them  it is hard to be a child born in the middle . On the one side are my ancestors who participated in the forcing of others and on the other side are my ancestors who were forced.

In the puzzle I  also saw the woman  the young girl in whose hands, from whose touch was communicated her desires

one thing that I have always known about me my entire life is that I have this indefatigable kindness inside of me   I have always had the joy of generosity so much so that I have in my life given away things that I should not have because I learned of course through a steep falling down uphill curve that it is not appropriate to give away my medicine or to trade things for love
yet it is still good to give without reserve what can be given to those who have less than I do

still in me is forever and always the person who will reach for generosity rather than profit, who will pass along to another everything I have to relieve suffering if it is within my reach to do so. All the while holding my ground firmly against those who would run me over or try to make me into an image of what serves or pleases them. I continue to stand up to those who would do harm to another, yet in doing so I leave the future unmade for any who has done me harm or harmed others because I know that at any moment and on any day any being has the right to change like the grass from a dry frozen brown lifeless state into one of new life. it is not in me to force others to be what I think they should be or to touch them in a way that discounts who they choose to be  but speaking out is important  it is important as a woman to speak up in the world council not as someone who is right but someone who is equal

there is no sense in holding the future hostage to the past

but we can learn from the past   we can learn as I have that the people that I come from believe in a very thin veil between this world and that of the Spirits that generosity was better than war  that hard work is part of the day and to play hard also part of life  and these things were just what I inherited from my mothers family the Scots and the english
from my fathers family I inherited perseverance, the steadfast ability to let the mind and the body be guided by faith  that generosity was and is the soul of not only the family but the neighborhood , the community and is the way that all people should be treated   generosity ,  kindness

but from both my parents I also experienced being on the blunt end of the dark and terrible side of the choices that they made in their lives  as have all human beings who live in this country. we have struggled against the negativity that is the mirror opposite of our positive nature. as a child I was silenced for speaking up   as an adult I have a choice in whether or not I will continue to be silent

I have had two terrible dreams since I saw the film the first was about how I was dragged before my mother in a court where she accused me of terrible things   things that were lies   in the dream more and more white women joined her in pointing their fingers at me accusing me of actions and thoughts that I had not done. It was a terrifying force that came from them  in the court I kept saying over and over its not true  its not true while at the same time realizing that I had no money and no lawyer and did not speak their language. in the dream I felt like there was no way that I could overcome their accusations in their court  I had no power    it was terrifying because I was going to be killed  they were filled with murderous intent and the against their desire to eliminate me from being  in their world i had no defense I realized how the Ioway,  like so many other people whose lives have been destroyed by the doctrine of discovery,  had no power or leverage in a system that was robbing them blind and destroying their lives. it is a terrifying realization to see that in the eyes of the majority even amongst those of your own gender you have no value as a human being

I woke up from the dream terrified   it took a while to get my bearings  I did not want to get up and be a part of this world any longer   it was an overwhelming realization to me that that must have been how the Ioway women felt when they sought equality and help from the women who they saw amongst the white men who lived in those times

I realized that the movie had brought to the surface in me the realization that behind all those men who wrote the treaties, who made the policies to take away native lands, to steal from people who did not understand. behind the men who were in the calvary, the businesses that profited from land grabs, the politicians and bankers who believed in they had a racial and religious right to systematically annihilate those who were different than themselves,

those who were guilty only of appearing to be in the way and of being different

behind all those men who did and to this day perpetrate the death and destruction of a nation of individual races, a land of healthy resources and clean water, a land teaming with life and beauty, behind the men who engineered the march of the machine of religious right , righteous war, who seeding the land with debt, and the slavery of the masses to debt, and fear

were the women  

women who were part of the driving force behind those men
women who did not speak out against what was happening
women who also wanted to profit from taking from someone else what they wanted
women whose publicly silent voice was perhaps the loudest because it was heard in the home and not heard in the streets

women who still are today behind the men whose policies are allowed to take the lives of the children raised in this land

women whose touch helped push forward the destruction of freedom and civil liberty

women ask me about ceremony, about the anger of native people, and if the Spirits of the pipes that I carry will harm them

it was and still is a confusing question  why would the pipes or the Spirits harm anyone ?  the sword is not meant to kill but to protect that which is precious ceremony is for healing for seeking balance

when I ask them why they are fearful of me or native people or ceremony or the pipes they say that it is because of the guilt that they carry

the women have guilt

the film brought to the forefront for me that women have had and do have a say and their guilt is evidence of a long hidden not talked about understanding that they knew they have and perhaps still do touch the lives of those around them in a way that either perpetrates injustice or stands against it

to women I say  if you still have guilt at the end of the day it means that somewhere along the course of the day perhaps you have held the intention of being self serving or of power  or of ego   or of control   or of greed   or of hoarding rather than generosity  or of gossip rather than encouragement or of envy rather than joy or of bitterness rather than determination to take your life not from others, or to blame cause and effect away from yourself rather than acknowledging that from your own hands and your own efforts and your own face to face with the reality comes that is woven in the lives you touch
if you have guilt, even if  in the past you sold your life for things that are not in the end satisfying or worth it, or if you silenced yourself and turned your back on things that were and are unjust in an effort to be a good girl,  rather than spend the remainder  of your day  in bitterness or blaming others or blaming yourself   rather than spend it in guilt

just get up and do everything you can to make sure that today   you do not take the life of another or yourself just for profit  because being silent in an unjust home so that you can keep a roof over your head or protect your family is not really protecting them and the guilt of the cost of that roof will take your life as surely as it took the ones it was built on

the women that i meet who talk to me about guilt understand this to be true

do not blame another for your own inadequacies  but simply examine and retrain your own life and become adequate   seek the circle of those who also are standing against injustice  and tyranny seek equality of voice and the council of peace and support it with your touch with your voice with your life

this  do
for the sake of all that comes from a woman's touch

all my best

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Snows Ashes in the Fire of Life

Good Morning Relatives

Its snowing    winter has snuck onto springs stage and made well lets see a late summer is called Indian Summer  not sure if that means east west or american indian   and so a late winter  well shall we call it a Russian spring? or perhaps white christmas II

not sure what to call it but it is here   we had I believe about a foot last week and today it is a dusting but still white and slick and cold    the snow is so silent

i've been going to the library and checking out books and movies   it is a good resource and if they do not have a book on hand and it is available in the interlibrary loan then it can be ordered in which is like having the entire library system in minnesota as your own

I watched the exotic marigold hotel movie   in it Dame Judi Dench says in her blog something about hindu funerals  its of course very relevant to the movie as well as I think to the lifespan of a snow flake and to all of us as we live in what is or may be our last opportunity for the day certainly those who died at the marathon would understand and those who simply let go in their sleep last night or who never quite made it through the process of birth this time around  or the mayfly would understand

It takes a long time to burn a body
the fire is lit at dawn
and by sunset
there must be nothing left but ashes

when I heard her say that in the movie I knew that the writer was speaking about our lives

by sunset    there must be nothing left but ashes

our fire is lit at the dawn of our bodies animation by our spirit  
and we must tend that fire if at sunset we want to have only ashes
the fire of our life must be tended or it will not burn up our opportunities fully
or it might burn them up too fast and have only ash by noon
or go out altogether leaving too much unconsumed flesh to put into the river as ash

like the snowflake formed high above the earth's surface our life rises before it falls  and like the snowflake that is intersected by a strong beam of sunlight, a goose flying north for summer, or the tip of an extended tongue some of us never reach the earth before we are absorbed back into the lake from which we arose

will we branch out like the snowflake   using the cavities formed by the differences that are within and without us to continue to reach out and define who we are?  and as we rise and form and branch out will we be weighted down by regret? or fear? or reluctance? or indecision?  is that what will make us fall to the ground?

will we hold so tightly to our own agendas that we never develop the beautiful arms  the branches  six degrees of directional simultaneous connection ?

or will we accumulate joy, trust in each other when even we are not quite up to snuff, friendships that weathered the cavities of unknown space, reflections of reaching ever reaching out from our center to form in solid snow crystal our snowflake branches of our family tree  

are we sure that when we
reach the end of our day we will have nothing left but ashes?

will those branches finally weighted down with the froot of our effort that we never let go of our ever reaching out to each other for connection and compassion  finally carry us to our resting place of solidarity on the earth?

do you know that a snowflake once it begins to form never stops reaching from within itself towards some outside of itself unknown opportunity until the trail of its traversing that path is formed in crystal behind it until it finally reaches a balance between its cold impetus and the warmer air that surrounds it? we may think that it is not still reaching because they do not grow as big as cars or a dish satellite  but they keep reaching and evaporating until finally the balance shifts and the warmth releases them from the crystal fire that is at their center and they lie on the ground or the concrete buddha statue or the upside of the tree branch in piles like ashes drifted once the life has been burned away

and still they choose to connect  they transform  into water  and return to life again

in the spring when the grass is greening and bending against the last drifts of snows ashes as the sun melts those little bodies into the river of life the water that was their ashes becomes the beginning draft for the new life that follows

do you think that when the snow flake is falling  and reaching and forming around the cavities between warmer and colder  that it thinks about its own pain or its own losses or its own misadventures or its own goals that if it doesn't land on just the right surface or form just the perfect sharply branched six at once arms that it has failed?

i think it does  because we are alive and think and we are 80-90% water and we think  we vibrate
your vibration reaches me through the water and mine reaches you

do you think it stops seeking that connection that is innate in its nature? just because the fire of life consumes it as it lives?

or do you think that it just keeps on holding its crystal clear intention  seeking the balance between the brittleness of  too much cold effort and not enough warm embrace   do you think that it perceives falling as bad? or scary?

I like the thought of the snow as the ash of the lake ending its life as spring begins  I like the thought of all those ashes spread out across our land reminding us as the lake so often does to live  live live our lives with intent and joy and generosity and flexibility and beauty and strength and power live through our seasons our learning curves our misadventures   but always  always as the water does as the ashes do as the sun is setting  always maintain your connection to each and everything

for that is the balance that brings the joy in the spring  

at the end of the day our ash is the fertilizer for those who are on their way to the light through the mud

P.s S I want to thank again all of you who have given me support, connection through this long winter and through the challenges of getting up from my fall,  as i told a good friend of mine, it takes at least four times of seeking healing with ceremony before we have addressed it in all dimensions that branch out around us and perhaps give us pain or block us from connection or from seeing how we can go so that we do no harm   any and all who have and are been there  I am also with you and I am thankful for you in my life as I am thankful for the lake in all her forms throughout the season for travelling here to my home for a visit 

love love love 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Love and Marriage

good morning relatives
i woke up with that old song in my head  love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage.

what I was really thinking about was trust, faith, love

how those things do not exist except in their absence

for example in the case of trust

trust is what is chosen when nothing indicates that it is warranted  otherwise it is not trust it is something else
trust is built or is it?  is it not rather a dependance that is built
 when we say we learn to trust someone?
when we rely on the past to determine the future for us  then we are not really being original in that moment are we? we are not really trusting  we are not choosing freely time and again we are putting ourselves to sleep with the soft gossamer wisps of expectation, fulfillment, the easy way out that steals our breath, that takes away the freshness of our lives and when we withhold trust from others when they don't meet our expectations or comfort zones are we not forcing them to our own terms? where is the trust in that?

if I step out on something that i have already determined to MY satisfaction is what I want  or can ignore because it is doing or behaving in a way that I don't have to question or understand or dynamically evaluate and relate to is that trust ? or is it something else?

is not faith also like that only more so?  is not faith what is chosen or acted on when all that is sensoraly ( I made that word up ) available to us to examine, feel, hold onto, or depend on is not only lacking,  but when all those things are screaming at us that any leap on our part is completely unsupported by reality and everything we value will not only be lost but we will die
rather than land on faith
which is only manifested the moment that we completely accept that we cannot grasp, define, or count on it.

if there is any supporting evidence  for that leap,
then it is not really a leap of faith is it?

which brings me to love


not love and marriage

not love and action

or ties that bind
or anything that puts any kind of condition or clause at the end of the word or feeling or activity thus rendering it to be NOT what it is

love can be a noun or a verb i believe

so love and marriage don't go together like a horse and carriage

a horse is a horse is a horse
of course

this weekend I unhooked my love horse from its carriage and set it free
it took a leap of faith which I survived to my glee
and created a trust that is as unshakable as your presence is to me
only in your absence was I able to see
the ties that can but cannot be
and rooted finally in the earth my family tree

love ya
mean it

Monday, April 1, 2013

which came first the easter chicken or the egg?

Good morning Relatives 
for you today I have a chapter perhaps the last chapter we will see out of the book that I have been writing about Lame Deer 

I always go through what I think of as a season of madness beginning with April first. I never know how long it will last, but every year since the death of my sister April Fool’s day begins with madness. People may think that buildings or places are haunted, but I am haunted inside by the loss of my sister. As the New Year dawns in January I make a resolution to not be buckled by grief, or to brush my head against the echoey cobwebs of suicide as is it lingers over me like a shroud over spring. Ever since I looked into her face that day, noticed immediately as only a veterinary or human orofacial surgeon and dentist might all the minute changes that the bullet she put through the roof of her palate made in the spacing of her teeth, the the cant of her smile, in the quietness of her skin as it stretched over her bones, trying to hold together the face of what she had been while still containing inside of its center the complete destruction of the concussive force of that bullet. How loyal that skin was, like me, trying to maintain the outer presentation of life as we both committed to when we were first made no matter how ripped or crushed or emotionally and physically unable to go on our insides are. Why do we continue to love those who have abandoned us or turned their backs on us as if we were as disposable as the wrapper from a cheeseburger blowing out of an unforgotten toss into the wastebasket? 
Why do our hearts not fail us when others do? Every year when the leaves let go in the fall, I think that I am done with my grief over losing her. Every year I think that when the spring comes I will not falter or have to feel the loss of her as fresh as the first snow on green grass, as bright and sharp as the glint of the early morning spring sun reflecting off of the too early, now dead songbirds beak covered in frost by a late killing hard freeze. 
Suicide nags at the survivors like a Hungry Ghost eating away at their resolve to live. It seeps through the floors of their resolve and moves like slippery oil underneath a leather sole as it pools in a drowning pit that may only be an fleck to the naked eye but is as deep and endless as eternity itself. 
Long before my sister took her own life I contemplated taking mine. I was young and exhausted by this world. By what appeared to me to be my own as well as the surrounding inescapable ability to create the harm that greed and selfishness can cause. I was unable to extract myself from my own ineptness to remember or conceive how not to make it worse. For me for others for anyone or any thing I could not stand one more moment of loss or action that culminated from a selfish or inexperienced intent. All life appeared to be to me was an endless opportunity for failure at love. “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,” John 15:13. Given the gender issues with this verse I simply always translated it to mean, “Greater love hath no Being than this, that such Being lay down its life for other beings.”
If I could not find the place to stand, to walk, to be between harm and no harm then. To me my life was harmful and to me that meant that if I truly loved all other life which I do, then the greater love would be to take my own away from any opportunity of doing harm to those I love. Even if we are Eternal Beings here on this temporal plane for only a short breath in the millennia of everlasting eternity, one breath of harm to my fellow beings for me was too many.
I remember when I was in junior high school the first time I stole something. I was with my mother in the local M.E. Moses store. I had on a army coat which was popular for kids to wear in those days. It was baggy, and full of pockets, and back then I was thin and there was plenty of arbitrary space in which something that was stolen could be hidden. I remember the thought of stealing entering my head like a worm that was subtle but persistent in its expansion through my attention. That worm of an idea seemed to make its way from interest point to point in my brain and being as I tasted the idea of stealing in my consciousness. What was immediately present beneath the crushing weight of the guilt that hovered over the hollowness left by the worms track was my innocence, terrified by my thought, by my own ability to crush my own soul under the heel of my own actions. What caught me was not the hollowness left by the worm, or the promise of the thing which was I knew, no matter what it was that it was just a thing that held nothing but a temporary pleasure that would never last as long as the damage taking it would do to my soul. What caught me was the creativity that it would take to steal it. 
Like my father before me I am a master problem solver. When one is young, the chi or impetus of our nature is so strong, so vibrant like that spring light on the snow that it melt. Our creativity leaks out of us like the force of the lotus seeking its path trough the mud. The only creativity that I seem to have been born with was that of seeing what is wrong or out of place in the world around me and seeing how it all could go back so easily if we would just be willing to move our pieces towards unity, towards balance towards the beautiful picture that we were born to be. My life with my family, with the world stifled that creativity. Caged it like an animal that was trapped in a cage of ever impending destruction that my captors and companions could not visualize. Like my mother before me I was also born with the seed of greediness. Of wanting what I wanted no matter what the cost to any who were in my way. 
In the store that day when I was young, I slipped the object into my pocket, crushed my soul and then suffered the consequences as the manager who could read me like an open book confronted me with my mother as we stood at the checkout counter with undisclosed contraband that was as deadly as any terrorist bomb trying to get through customs at an airport security check. The manager exposed my action but not my intent as he stopped me from leaving. My mother was astounded at the embarrassment. My father livid later and non-sparing in his punishment of my actions. 
That day I stepped out onto a path that years later culminated with me standing in a bathroom of my girlfriends house, faced with the knowledge that I was once again alone in my heart. Exposed to the stark realization that what I had thought was a commitment of love to me by her was false. Betrayed once again by greed, selfishness, the promise of letting one go for the hollow promise of pleasure by another, I stood in that bathroom and slit my four inches of wrist with a blade, through the skin down to the bone of my left forearm choosing with that action to end my own suffering, as well as the suffering I was causing others through my own engagement in this world in the way that I thought would be effective. 
As I stood there in the bathroom looking at my arm, listening to my betrayal focused girlfriend call the police as a result of my actions, I was astounded by what I saw in myself. When someone tries to take their life using deadly force, the police respond with equally deadly force in an attempt to stop them. The vibrations and wavelike consequences that ripple out from the in your face action that knocked my girlfriend into the only action she knew to take, thus setting in motion the equal and opposite reaction by the authorities that she called, never noticed that I had in the moments after slitting my wrist realized that I was not allowed this choice and had forever more ceased in myself any thought that I could achieve death by my own hand. 
By the time the police arrived I was downstairs in the kitchen getting something to drink. I was silent, refusing to speak to my ex or the police as they backed me into a corner demanding that I cooperate. What they did not know was that I was already cooperating. I was standing still. Trying to reason out why when I slit open my wrist, as expertly and with the perfect confidence and conviction that would later serve me as a veterinary surgeon, not one drop of blood came out. 
The authorities must have interpreted my silence as a threat to not only my well being but to others because they verbally and physically pushed me until I finally looked up and pushed back. Once I did I found myself very quickly face down on the floor in handcuffs and then in an ambulance being taken to the hospital under arrest. I was locked in a secure room for twenty four hours. The doctor that came in to see me looked at my arm and then at me and said “Well, I still have to sew it up.” He and I looked at each other and at my forearm and for some reason he accepted as odd as it appeared to be that my wound was unlike any he had encountered. I could tell looking in to his eyes, and through the carefulness of his actions and words that he had no intention of fighting against or trying to redefine the reality of my body's unwillingness to give me up. It was the one comforting thing that happened to me in that hospital. 
The next day when I was released, there were three people there to greet me. One was a friend that I rode horses with, one was my ex, and the other was the friend that I had confirmed the day before that she was seeing behind my back. Each had a different response when they saw me. The one that was there in support of her lover, my cheating girlfriend asked me what drugs they had given me. She was as I knew interested in drugs, a dealer of marijuana who had for a short time as my friend given up the use of that and other drugs in order to be my friend, yet now was one of the pair who had taken from me the love and security of my home and heart. I ignored her. 
The second, my ex was there to tell me that I would not be allowed to come back to our house. I could see that she was fearful that I would harm her rather than myself in the now full revelation of her actions in our life. I looked at her knowing that she had never seen me if she could ever imagine that I would do something to her rather than myself to stop any suffering or opportunity to damage her in any way. I also ignored her. 
The third woman, came forward and embraced me. She did not ask anything or say much that I remember. She took me to her home and made sure not only that I was safe and cared for that day, but helped me over the next few weeks to find and reestablish a home in which I could live and maintain. 
The doctor had given me the name of a counselor that he recommended that I see and one of the conditions of my release back into society, was that I see a counselor so that I could address what had brought me to my actions. I met with the counselor and told him that all my life I could see what was wrong. All my life I could remember and tell anyone the steps, the choices, the words, and the intentions that always culminated in everything going so horribly wrong in our lives. But I couldn’t see, I told him how to choose what would make it right. I did not have the skills to imagine and then create what would bring about less destructive consequence between myself and those around me. If I could, I told him, then I would willingly, happily take that path every time. But I just couldn’t see it. 
He told me that I had really poor social skills, and that I needed to learn to choose better friends. He also told me that he could teach me the skill to see the Light in a situation and make different choices than the ones that I had been surrounded by my whole life. Choices that opened up what ever I touched or engaged in to a consequence that brought life rather than destroyed it. I believed him. I could see that finally in front of me was a teacher that was willing to listen and assess myself and my difficulty and help me with skills that would enable me to escape the trap that I was born into. It was as simple, as my father had taught me, as changing my perspective and then committing myself to the implementation of a different course of action. I had to be willing to hold that perspective against all pressure or thought no matter what immediate temptation was presented me by any other in that moment and the ones that followed it. As simple as this ah-ha moment may sound, both myself and that counselor knew that it was and would be anything but simple as it would mean two lifelong things. I would first have to choose to stay here, no matter what, to stay in this life until the end of my days. 
The second was that, like every other being who is caught in a disarrayed puzzle, I would have to find my way, replace the pieces of my life one at a time. Contemplating action, inaction, skill and skill-lessness, all the while doing my best not to wreak havoc on the lives around me, until I could find and replace enough of my shattered life that it would begin to make sense, until it would reflect as a completed picture the beauty that I knew was present in myself and all others. It would mean that despite not wanting to do damage, that I would until the day came that I did not.
I spent a couple of weeks talking with him about this choice that I had to make. During that time I sat outside with the trees and the sky and the earth and the wind listening and wondering about the commitment that was in front of me. I knew that I would have to decide to stay here. I would have to not just exist, but to live, if I was going to stay here. I knew that I would over and over again face the choice of taking my life for the rest of my life. I knew that I had to choose, once and for all if I would accept life as it was, as it came at me, no matter what. In those two weeks I believe that if I had chosen not to be here, that my life could have been released, given back as easily as it had been given to me years before. 
I remember facing this world one morning with one final question for the counselor whose job it was to offer me a choice to learn the skills that it would take, the principles that like my life once given could not be taken back except by my choices. Since then I have come to see that all of us take our own lives every day in our hands and we either spill them out on the ground in as temporal and meaningless choices as I made in that store the day I decided to take something for its pleasure for myself rather than the effect of my action on all that was around me. Like I did that day, we weigh our choices and finding each other wanting, finding our lives and the interactions that we should hold dear or sacred, unsatisfactory we choose ourselves rather than what might be less attractive in the moment yet have a much more damaging consequence on the fabric of the world that we are weaving. We are weaving our world, the fabric of our choices changes everything around us. We create and destroy on a daily basis not only the opportunity of our own lives with our choices, but that of every living thing that is a part of the great picture of life on this planet as well as the universe that surrounds it. 
How did we become so insignificant in our own eyes? How did we learn to choose an acceptance of the destruction of ourselves and each other? How did we end up a race that with the simplest or most complex choices end life as surely, abruptly, and completely as that bullet did in my sisters brain? 
I don’t know how we did it. I remember some if not all of my path, which has in no way been free of choices that robbed others of the freedom of a life that is more concerned with protecting itself from the choices others made before us than in fully having the opportunity to enjoy the beauty that was given in the original creation of this planet and all the opportunities for love that it was born with. That day in the store, I created a public menace that had to be guarded against. I robbed my parents of a child that could be sent out into the world with complete trust. I stole so much more from others and myself than that small piece of candy I placed in my pocket. 
This is the overwhelming negativity that hangs over my soul every spring. This is the weight that my sister could not bear to balance any longer. This is the question that every spring presents itself to the earth, the sky, the water, the wind, the fire that could choose either to consume us and eliminate this crushing burden from its life, or to hold one more year for the opportunity to choose differently amongst ourselves. To replace the hollowness that was left by the worm as it travels through our minds, our senses, and our hearts asking us to choose now or forever. Now or never. 
What was lost inside of us when that worm ate its way through our lives? Innocence? Naivety? Belief in the efforts of the one for the good of the many? Trust that all others around us also are acting in good faith? Lack of free will is part of it. Like any wind up toy, human beings are mindless until they are not. Once the space is created inside of us, and I am sure that it had been there in my life prior to that day in the store, where we actually see that we can choose our own destiny and thus that of others, it is then that we begin to exercise and feel the power of our choices. It is then that the seductiveness of temporal satisfaction becomes a player under our skin and in our minds and hearts. Why is it that we choose death over life? 
There is no simple answer or magical bean that will recreate the world that we live in overnight. Except within ourselves. Within ourselves we can choose to change our perspective from one of negativity, of fear, of greed, of selfishness, of protection to one of love, trust, and respect. We can choose to hold the fire within ourselves in each and every breath and action no matter what is presented to us in a day. In twenty-four hours we can change our own lives, in an hour we can, in a minute, in a moment, we can change everything about ourselves and thus the world around us. We can acknowledge that space that the gentle worm creates as it works to represent the opportunity to us that we were born with. Our free will, our value, the essence of why choice is given, so that it can be made freely. So that we can live or die in each day freely at our own hand. 
We have to as I did that day in the park, decide for ourselves that it is worth it. We have to decide to believe that we are worth it and in doing so, so is everything else in this living place. I went back to the counselor and told him that I would accept his offer to teach me a different perspective on one condition. He asked me what that condition was, and I said to him that if he taught me, he did not get to decide for me what I did with it. 
He agreed. 

I cannot tell any of you what to do with your lives, and I don't want to any longer, I gave that up I hope long ago, but I can share with you as I have done and do with this blog and will when the book about Lame Deer is finished and published that it matters to me that you exist, that you have free will, and the freedom to live your lives in the expression of that will, no one can teach morality or consequence of action although many have tried. we all face our own morality and mortality every day in the mirror of our soul as it reflects the thoughts and actions of our day   
I do hope even though I hate hope for it implies hopelessness that you know that you matter to me, that your being ness  that your lives matter  that to the wind the sky, the grass, the earth, the trees, the ever present so far oxygen and life that sustains the minuscule presence of the human being on this planet you are worth showing up for  that we love you as you are 
as we all live and die together