Monday, January 14, 2013

Flowering Souls

Good afternoon Relatives 

its very cold here this week   last week we had rain  now we have ice    I ask for snow when I put out tobacco   snow means its warm and it keeps our footing safer when we walk.  

the house is so still when the wind comes at night.  it is well built  and the insulation foam that was sprayed keeps the walls strong and rigid.  The steel that was re-used for the siding has a long time relationship with the wind so they have the kind of conversations that old friends would over tea. I enjoy listening to those conversations at night.

I had a great visit with the physical therapist today  she asked about the house  and I shared with her the story of the dreams the bike and purchasing it   we moved on into the visit about how we are all the same being  all of us Taku cnas cnan  how we are each an expression of the nuance of the whole in this time and place     how the temporal things are here only as props or useful tools to show or express all that each nuance can be   so that Taku cnas cnan is able to see itself as it is in all of its beauty and tragedy in this particular lens.    thus if each of us can come to understand that we are each of us an entirety  a whole   

and if each of us can feel that entirety in ourselves and from that stillness  look into the unique seed that we are,  then grow it  focus and develop it  celebrate that you ARE you  if you can take your eyes off of me or any other for just the blink of an eye which is about how long we are here   and see you  gently and thoroughly be you   then eventually you will blossom into the fruitfulness that comes from that eternal seed that is each of us individually   no two alike  

and if in doing so  we can be still    be steady   be satisfied with our each own uniqueness    and if we can put our energy into becoming  fully what each of us is    rather than outward towards another   

rather than in amassing the temporal props that will satisfy only for a moment and when piled around us eventually block our own growth and beauty  

rather than put our effort into what does not last  put it into what is already and always was  that spark of amazing perfect singular identity that has no identical ..... you 

 if we can put our energy into becoming with as few props as possible then our starkness our amazing eternalness and its nuance expressed in how you move your hand so beautifully different than how I move mine  

will create an amazing meadow of flowering souls  in this temporal field 

I see you Relatives 

I see your beauty  

all breath oxygen   
all have red blood
all have bones 
all have skin

everything else is just paints and limbs and feather boas

love to you every moment in our garden 

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