Saturday, March 28, 2015

cooooooool beans

Good Morning Relatives

its a perfect spring day   we have a covering of snow/pellet snow on the ground  just enough to fill the air with the smell of snow and crisp new opportunity.   what an awesome thing

There are happening things going on in Minnesota    this Monday  at 8pm there is a meeting to review and discuss the legislation that is coming up that will affect the habitat of bees.  The campaign is called Pollinate Minnesota and you can find them at the web address below.  Just reading the information on the list of proposed bills and areas of change that affect the lives of bees makes me feel like I am on the way to actually helping heal my planet and care for more than just my own 2.3meter squared space.

I encourage you to find people in your state if it is not Mn that are like minded and help them make a difference for the bees.  we can also donate to help with plantings and to help support the education that teaches awareness and care of bees.  Awesome!

follow the links and make a change with your change

There is a new sheriff  here in pipestone   and already the town feels less creepy.  how funny is that.  our town was actually known to be a hotbed of drugs and just walking around the air felt oppressive. at night there was lots of strange traffic, speeding cars, and cops creeping around but not changing anything.  we have had several local drug guys who would get busted every two or three months go to jail get out of jail free and then start over and over again   now it seems that has changed  all because what ever it was that was locking the old sheriff in place  changed and he moved on and the new guy who did work for the old sheriff at one point but quit for some unknown personal difference in opinion or protocol  came back and ran for sheriff against one of the drug deputies and won!  now things are different  how cool is that   Im for it

and we have new equipment at the rec center gym  

so new opportunities abound  and it seems that I get to choose what I do with those daily chances at choosing my own surroundings

things add up don't they   time spent at the gym changes how my body feels which changes what I feel I can and can't do  and also changes how I feel inside my own opportunity   there is some uncomfortableness   Im not sure why it is a part of expending the effort   it is like pushing through negativity and holding my breath  only I have always disliked that idea in me  that feeling of enduring negativity thinking it will bring me a positive outcome

so I can think something else can't I ?  I can think about my body and the effort and the feeling of the doing  differently  kind of like a chick pecking though a shell seeking more than the limitations it finds its awareness was born into   its the old glass half empty thing   it is up to me to decide to look for positivity and enjoy it rather than to confirm negativity and carry it or endure it like sludge that can never be escaped

I don't have to know all the answers like a magic bullet and then wear them or repeat them like a mantra   I just have to look at the light that is me and trust it to see to understand to shape and to enjoy    I think it feels much better than pushing myself and what I am doing away   better than holding my breath

so heres to breathing in the fresh spring air and then back out again and again and again

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