Sunday, November 23, 2014

Frozen Thawed Water River standing walking not looking back

Good Morning Relatives

its warm enough today that the ground looks like a brown and green and white pinto pony   the embrace of winter is easing into the earth and the sky

how long has it been since we learned not to hold onto that which makes us sick   that which when grasped tight to our chest holds us in its grip and poisons our thoughts and our perspective

it has been an interesting and long but frankly now forgotten journey for me to find the way of no way

no way meaning  there is no way I am going to bed with that idea  there is no way that I am going to be the refuse dump for what so severely disappointed you and I promise not to treat you like my own personal round bin either

this year is the first year that I am solidly confident that it can be done    we can outgrow  kill off   walk away from   replace that nasty behavior in ourselves and in doing so give an example of this type of peacefulness for each other  

and perhaps if I can do it  you can do it and if you can do it then that makes two and two makes for and then on to five gold rings
do you see how we can make the world less which is after all more

I truly truly am repeatably daily here and not here at the same time  way cool
way doable and I didn't think it could be done and I didn't know what it was like but now that I AM I can so tell that it is so right on!


this is good  this is worth it and it is doable

the idea is taught in kung fu panda 2   actually the idea of inner peace and non inner peace and where the two paths lead is so illustrated by that movie   awesomeness for sure

so  its our choice what we want to hold on to   its our choice whether or not we want to be hard like a stone or strong like a rock    its our choice if we let the events of our past or even of someone else's past color our present  and captivate our future

sometimes after ceremony people pull me aside and ask me to wade through their pain or their negativity or their fear or their own struggle with their own struggly bits

I remember being someone who thought she had to wrestle with herself all over someone else's ear pans  in order to have my pain be real  to vent my frustration to be angry without having the nerve or the articulateness to be angry with those who actually caused it  what ever

and I do mean what ever

I needed to blast around  why because it is what we do  because the struggly bits that I was holding on to were so valid to me  so life changing so dramatic   so what ever

whatever meaning whatever it was the thing that I wasn't realizing was that it was me clinging to  grasping at and struggling with those bits that was damaging and captivating me  preventing me from having anything but that crap  that whatever when it was long gone down the river and me with it

let it go

if you need care and emergency help    get it
if you need to take a moment to compose a reply that is yours and not pushed by someoneelse's pointed stick  take that moment and then stand and deliver
if you need to run away  get on it girl
if you need to simply turn aside and brush off what was trying to cling and refocus on what you were doing  no problem

but the wounds of the past heal    scars fade   life moves on  do you with it?

so sometimes after ceremony or teaching a workshop people want me to fix or solve or listen to their struggly bits  and the truth is   I care about them  and I can see that they are struggling but it is not my struggle and I am not a counselor and my time and life is more precious to me than their stuff  and I don't want to have to filter or clean off of me what ails them   and that is the reality of it  

what is also the reality of it is that I can see that they are worth more than their precious struggly bits and in that moment  they cannot

so let it go     let it go     let it go and don't look back

and in its place have right now      eat a caramel apple pop    brush your hair   go for a swim    look in the mirror and find five things you really love about yourself    roll around on the grass   begin the ceremony of dinner or lunch or tea      exhale   do quigong     hold hands without talking with yourself

be something other than destructive   be something that has the moment  rather than assigning it to the past

so yesterday I received a card in the mail that was full of negativity  interspersed with nicety complements and derision  bitterness   pain and way embedded in that card was the tiny seed of what perhaps might if a crowbar long and large enough could be positioned might turn out to be a person who was seeking themselves by looking in my mirror  perhaps  but only if I screwed up my eyes and looked out my left ear did I see it  mostly what I saw was the old way that I used to catch myself up in what it meant to be spiritual or a leader or a friend or whatever   an old idea of me is what I saw  and it is not and was not for me to be the answer to that writer or even to determine what they were or are seeking   I saw pain and the ability to write it down and send it on so I sent it on into the fire  

I could feel the old me wanting to not do that   the old me seeking somehow some way to be there  and what is funny relatives  is that I finally saw that the best way for me to be there was to let that water drop of pain on paper move across me without breaking or drenching me or becoming me or me making it into something I NEEDED to do or have or be  and I let it fall  in its entirety into the fire


so don't try and be there  other than being there   its enough  then walk away and trust them to get on with their life the way they want to    

its been an entire lifetime of looking for me deciding what that meant and didn't mean  trying on things and discovering what is true and not true in this place and time about me and once again at the end of this day  I am closer and I am free er  and I AM  with you and without you at the same time  pretty cool

thanx to the water and the fire and the panda and to you relatives for helping me find me    it is the work and journey along the day that in the year brings what we have gathered individually to the table to be shared among friends  
this is my work shop  

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