Tuesday, September 30, 2014

falling down

Good Morning Relatives

How is your fall coming down?   it has been pleasant here at the center of the east and west gate    the leaves are changing and falling all in the same day   some days are in the 80's  some in the 50's   all perfect in their own way

how many of us have tried to figure out what it means to have ourselves even for one day perfectly?

I think for me it has been hardest to root out judgement and fear  self judgment  judgement of others  fear of finding out who I am and of being different even as I enjoyed the wonder and amazement the satisfaction that that difference privately provided me

so back to the meditation on the tree

each part connected to the whole  each part a cell of the heartwood, the cambium, the bark, the root, the branch, the leaf   each and everyone the same in its identity as being a part of a beautiful whole  yet each part each intake and exhale of lifes breath through each cell differently perceived  differently used appreciated or resisted   each leaf the same but so so very different

and the entire thing at peace with its difference  at peace with its combination

long after I thought I had discovered what it meant to accept me I  began to do so

long after I thought I had discovered what it meant to accept you  I began to do so

fear abates finally

peace takes its place  fills me with the simpleness of standing still

it is enough

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