good morning relatives
I am a little behind this morning from writing yesterday. LOL I apologize for that. yesterday being Labor day I labored to finish out the bath area downstairs. I used the leftover steel from the roofing material and enclosed the shower and tub and toilet area. It looks pretty good. I loaded a few photos on the profile album. As you probably have figured out I have not had and do not have internet at the house yet. My neighbors, the Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers, ( of which I am a member) own the old railroad depot next door to me ( the grandmothers house is the old stationmasters house). They have allowed me to use the shower, the kitchen and toilet and the internet while the grandmothers house is being worked on. It has saved me over and over. Yesterday was a busy day at the Keepers with the holiday traffic so I did not come over till this am to make a post. the other note is that I am a bit of a poor gramatticist. And occasionally my spelling is not the best. I will try to do well so that things make sense and can be followed easily but I ask you also to remember that perfection is already achieved in the simple fact that both you and I exist and our eyes are exchanging prayers and messages with each others hearts through this medium. At times my head and way of doing can appear to an outsider as that of the flight of a butterfly; sometimes a little crazy and wobbly but sure to effectively display the beauty way of The Wind, The Spirit, and The Wing of The Heart. I am a Warrior of The Heart, and thus always focused on the call of the Spirit in the Nectar and the intention of recreating life again and again. For example in the first post when I wrote that others thought I should write "own" (rather than down) about this project, I decided not to change the spelling because it was already obvious that it was down and owning it out loud was also very important. So I own that choice in spelling and the opportunity it creates to teach us that in order to write about our lives we must own them and owning them comes long before we may be comfortable with our choices being public. I was talking with a friend yesterday about the fear that exists in existing. It never goes away but I have learned to keep it and use it as a knife edge to stay sharp in my intent. I guess I use it as an accountability to remember that not by me but through me or perhaps through you!
I am grateful to the Keepers for their generosity and for the Grandmothers for existing. Without them this manifestation would not be happening as it is for me and so I am grateful. One thing that the Keepers and the Grandmothers really have always done for me is to remind me that we are all family. We are all one. that what I do for me is done for you, and what I do for you is done for me. the circle is very present here at the quarries. Every morning I begin with feeding the dogs and cat, watering and then making welcome the day with tobacco cedar and sage. My first teacher from Santa Clara Pueblo taught me to wash each morning. Wash. Wash away the work in the dream time. Wash away the judgements, the misconceptions, the fears. Wash away attachments. Wash and clarify my intention, my purpose for that day. Wash cleanse focus hear the laughter in the water hear the willingness in how it flows over my head and between my toes listen to its clarity listen to the length of it journey to me and the complete sureness that it will continue to flow far beyond me into the next being make my day like the water make my day about love and connection and clarity and flow let my dross fall like stones to the earth so that the water in me continues on to you with as much clarity as is possible honor the water honor the day honor the one next in the circle that that water will touch honor the circle all the way back around to me honor the water wash my thoughts wash my prayers wash my life for you
every day
Saturday was my birthday so I went down early to sit with the Three Maidens at the quarries. I offered tobacco and cedar and thanked them for a good ending and a new beginning. There is always for me a great sense of sisterhood with them. A great peacefulness being at their feet. All angst flowed out of me and into the ground. They are so massive and so heavy and so long time committed that I could feel the insignificance of my "stuff" dissolving into the earth and becoming food for worms. I celebrated the joy of those that I know who have the clarity in themselves to know exactly how they belong in relation to me. I honored the joy that it creates when we are clear on our path. I then went up to the quarries and visited with my friend Dullfiles. He is a pipemaker. We talked about the maidens and the stone. He remarked that any time he spends too much time away from handling the stone he can get blocked up or tight in himself. For both of us and many others just coming to this place, just sitting with the land, the water and the stones removes that tightness that we can collect like a magnet to iron filings in our hearts and our minds and our bodies and joints. The Pipe, the stone pulls it out. It pulls it out and replaces it with peace. How insignificant I feel compared to the whole. What a relief it is to be so tiny and so not in charge. I laid down, face down on the earth and thanked TakuCnas'cnan for my life and for the basket and arms of the Spirits that hold me so tenderly so close and so lovingly. So today my relatives I pray for you to spend time on the earth with the water with your blood let it be peaceful let go of the filings that have clung to you do not look to others to be your magnet of peace look to yourself hold the fire hold the gentleness let the rest go reverse your own polarity and do not give energy to the small negativities that try and cling to you I love you, I respect you, I honor you, I appreciate you every moment of every day in this way I make my prayer in this way I make my work in this way I drink and clear the water for you and for all my relations.
tonight at the fire I will continue the story of the dreams and the path to here and now
all my love to you this day
this way
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