Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Inner Peace

Good morning

its a beautiful morning here in Pipestone.  It will be a perfect day to spray foam insulate the upstairs rooms.  Yesterday I finished the indoor part of the dogs kennel and connected it to the outside dog world with a donated doggy door.  It only took a minute or two for them to figure out the flap door and now they are wildly happy over having options.  They slept well last night with much less barking at odd noises and or things moving through the grass. They are really good dogs. Every morning and evening we go walking on the property here at the East and West Gate. It is the plan to restore the prairie grasses, wild plum, and oak to the property.  The old railway track can be converted into a walking meditation path up to the quarries.  Lots of work yet to do but over time the project will exist and support peaceful ness here at the Center.

I would like to get back to how I got here which is why this blog was created; to tell that story.  With the possible diagnosis of bone cancer uncovered by the accident, I thought it was a good time to reevaluate all that I was doing financially and personally. My home in Dallas had been spruced up and was on the market to sell, my dogs and I had moved to a small town just south of Dallas and were renting with option to buy a nice house on an acre with what I thought then were new friends and neighbors. One of those new friends was whom I was buying the house from and she was able to hold the note for me which seemed a great opportunity. My veterinary practice was really struggling. But I was determined to make it work. things were really tight but I felt like that was normal in todays economy. What happened next changed all of that.

I told the lady that I was buying the house from that I needed to wait on closing on the house as I might have to deal with bone cancer and at the very least had to focus on finding out what really was going on in my spine. Her reaction was to tell me that if I had cancer that I couldn't buy the house and that I needed to move out.
Wow, Ha wow.  Zammo

This was from someone who had said that now I was moving there I was "family".  I wonder how her family is with her?

Then I was offered a contract on my house that was for sale which I accepted. But the appraisal was really low, way low, like 30% lower than the local market value.  My realtor investigated and discovered that in Texas appraisers are not required by law to appraise a property at its full value. My house had been appraised by a guy working for Chase Bank. Turns out Chase was paying bonuses to their appraisers for turning in appraisals at 30% below market value.  This locked the property on the FHA list at a value that insured that the bank would always get its investment back should the borrower fail to fulfill the note. What it did to the seller was put me in the position of needing a buyer who had saved up 30% of the price of the house as a down payment. My other option was drop the price by 27%, basically to come to the table and pay the buyer (if they had an FHA loan from the gov they only needed 3% down) to buy my house.

The appraisal had been registered with FHA, that meant that my house was locked by this for 12 months unless the bank agreed to our petition to change the appraisal. Which they did not. That also meant that everyone, the realtors on both sides, the bank, the title company, the buyer all would profit from the sale and I would have to pay all of them to release my house. I was pretty flabbergasted! Ha Wow Zammo

I was pretty shocked to learn that the bankers could just reassign the value of my property like that.  No regard to the work or history or care I had put into it.  No regard to the years of paying and agreeing to the system of the mortgage home owner trust.  Just, We are in business to make a profit no matter what. The bank had ensured their position and future by being ahead of me in the legal system. The loophole in the law meant that they could manipulate the value of my house, its listing on the market, to ensure their own future and profit. They had no regard for what it did to me. My future was irrelevant to them.  Truely irrelevant.  I called Wells Fargo, the bank that held my mortgage and discussed all the options with them.  Nothing that they had to offer benefited me at all.  I was going to lose my home, my credit, my investment, everything.  All of it because of the economy and the ripple effect on my business, my personal life, add to that I had no insurance to cover any medical care or diagnostics, no family, LOL nothing. LOL I was out ! I remember standing at my practice looking at it realizing that I just had to let it all go.  All the money all the investment all the work   just let it go.   Talk about  being grateful I had the Spirits. Man am I  grateful.  I had just definitely become one with the general masses here in America. I could see and understand more of why people were more and more discouraged, more and more just lost of hope or trust.  I got it.

If the straight white christians were in charge of our banking and mortgage system, and this is where I was finding myself, then where would I be if I had died and depended on them to insure that I was actually going to heaven.  Wow  big wake up call to the hand games played by those in authority in our country.  big wake up to what people are willing to to to create money now for themselves at the expense of the general trusting population who are trained by the pulpit to believe in our "leaders". What an impossible situation.  What a mess.  This was going to be a really  painful lesson! at least that was what i first thought.

At that time my practice was really screeching to a halt, I decided to sell my practice and stop trying to make it work. I had not gotten paid from it for over a year. I was really exhausted and was facing trying to work through the medical issues with my back, the move again out of the house I was in, the loss of my home due to real estate manipulation by the banks and the system (which while we were sleeping folks was taking good care of it self but not of us, the home owners). I talked with my advisors and found out that every specialty veterinary practice that had opened in Texas from 2008 on had failed. Mine had opened spring of 08. I found out that in Texas at least our area practices had lost 37% of their business. some even well established hospitals had closed. Some overnight 24 hours clinics had also closed.  things were lookin like it was time to get out of Dodge. I decided to stop. Just STOP and sell everything I could give up what I could not sell and move. I had a great lawyer friend who advised me (against what the bank advised), to NOT file bankruptcy but to just give the house back to the bank.  If I filed bankruptcy i would not save my credit, the bank could then come after all of the remainder of my personal property to satisfy any monies lacking between the note and what the house sold for.  Wow that was a good thing to realize.  If I just gave the house back, they could either take the house or the note  not both.  I would be absolved of the note and in 10 years my credit, which would look the same as how many americans today about half a million? would be back to normal.  LOL again the painful thing was the realization that I was lied to by the bank by the system, by my "friends" at the new house, by my chiropractor who assured me she had documented properly for the insurance company my loss of work following my injuries from being rear ended. (in fact she did not Ha and I lost a months income to her ineptness).  so the big lesson was that the big lie that we all hoped, wanted, worked so hard to maintain the illusion that it was not a big lie, was in fact a big lie.  that the illusion was breaking down and was going to continue to break down and that we need to WAKE up and STOP and get a grip on what we can actually do and can actually accomplish and make sure we own our home and our land and our work needs to be simple and productive rather than reaching for the pie that is constantly being moved just out of our reach.  I had worked so hard for so long to "do the right thing" to be a good and available veterinarian even though people didn't want to pay for that knowledge or expertise, to pay for take care of and improve my home, my practice property. To work hard and harder when things got tough.  To tighten my belt and keep working.  that my CREDIT was more important than the reality of my situation.  My body was crashing, my liver was failing, my back had a hole in in it, I had gained 120lbs over ten years of work and fear and loss and trying to keep up my end of the bargains, all the bargains when I found out that those at the top didn't care one hootie about me. Just about money money money.  Wow  interesting isn't it. Being in a credit and reputation Squeeze chute.

I began to see what the Spirits were teaching with the dream about the leg tattoo.  If I could find a way out of this illusion and into a home or house that could be honestly owned, be available to recover My LIFE then I could help others recover their lives.  If I could find the path then I could help others find theirs and perhaps in another 5 or 10 years instead of more suicides, more bankruptcies, more and more disheartened people here there might be a core of us who had stepped outside the box and had something that was not for sale, not for profit, not for reputation, not for credit and not for power. That is what I think of when I think of the grandmothers healing the world.  Physician first heal thyself.  Then go and teach what you have learned, endured, and become. Time to go  time to begin the work time to create in this world the grandmothers work in real visible viable tangible actualized life.  Starting with mine.  Be courageous, be trust in the pipe, be peace, be like the bear, like the water, like the wind, like the tree, like the dragonfly.  Be the future.

The first thing I did was put two of my motorcycles up for sale. the Spirit bike sold within 6 hours to a guy in Japan. After paying the fees and last bill at the bike shop on building it I had $13,800.00 left from it. (that was the bike that came from giving the guy in indiana money for his granddaughter, and that was like the one my dad drove)

I remember the Thursday night I made that decision I had a dream.  I had a dream that I was standing in  a house looking down through the floor and I could see two faces in rock looking back up at me.  They were faces of my ancestors in the stone.  I recognized the stone from the quarries. the red pipestone and pink quartzite the faces were carved from.  There was water running over their faces and they were speaking to me.

I woke up and got on line to look for a house.  i knew that I could not afford any property in wisconsin near lake Superior, so I looked in Pipestone.  I found a realty named Winter Realty. On their site was a picture of a yellow house that was listed at $13,800.00.

 I thought wow that's exactly how much I have from the bike. I could buy that house and own it outright.  Then it would be separated from the bank system and the manipulation of our credit and real estate values for the profit of the bankers. That was an important first step. Get a house outright. The listing said it was a foreclosure.  Wow imagine that!   That the value of the house was more than they were asking but that it was not in great shape, water damage in the kitchen. I thought ok it will need a little work. Just more opportunity for all us grandmothers to put our money where our mouths are and work to make it so.  To show younger folks that we can take something not in best of shape  not the fanciest   not the biggest  not the newest  but we can fix it and make it really good.  We just have to believe and do.  The Spirits had told me back in 09 that if I gathered the people together they would do the work. In the dream about my tattooed leg  the Spirit was doing the work, I just had to show up and be willing and present.

So I looked up the house on google maps. You can see it on the map just google map 109 4th st NW Pipestone, MN and there it was.  but it couldn't be right I thought.  That house is right next door to the Depot that is owned by the Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of the Pipemakers, of which I am a member.  I looked on a larger map and could see that there was nothing between the house and the quarries. That in fact, the stone from the quarries ran under the house. Like in my dream!

So I called the realtor.  I asked,"Is that house, the yellow one 109 4th st for sale?" he said "Yes."  "Is it $13,800.00?"  "Yes" "Is it next door to the depot?" "Yes it is the old stationmasters house."
He said it was needing quite a bit of work but it was a good house, foreclosed on by the bank.  I asked him, "Can I bid on it?" ( Relatives even as I said this I felt that it was not the way to go forward, the Spirits gave the money for the bike, from Japan, exactly the price of this house. Rather than try and save a bit for the repairs they were clearly asking me to give all I had and trust them for the rest.)

He said,"yes you can but there is already a bid on the house that the bank did not want. So if you bid less than the selling price we will have to re-offer it to the original bidder before taking it to the bank."  So I asked him, " If I send you the full purchase price as asked do you have to go back to that party or can I just buy the house?"   He said, " you can just buy the house. I am sure the bank will accept the full purchase price."

so he faxed me the agreement, I wired him the money, all of it and bought the grandmother house.  Within a week he had called me and asked if I would be interested in the railroad property around the house as well. It had not been for sale since 1810 and was finally up for sale.  No surprise, the price of that land was exactly what I got from selling my other motorcycle.

so Grandmothers, Sisters, Aunties, Uncles, Brothers, Grandfathers.  That is how I got this house.  that is how the Spirits provided this place and began this Project.  I didn't hold back any money for me, or for the "future" or for the whatever.  I just invested, gave it all, trusted and started making this happen.  I trust in the Spirits.  I trust we can create our future. I know that I have asked you for money to help with this Project, please don't hold back.  I didn't. Once it is ready it can give and give for generations.   Once it is going, then I can give the money and time from my work to the next home for the next person who is disengaging from the illusion of the bankers, the credit system, the myth of money and power and help them have THEIR LIFE and our lives all together  all as one.

Please give generously and often to help us take this home and this Center into the future.
love love love

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