good morning Relatives
thank you for being in this day
we had a tremendous lightening storm last night all across the western night sky for about an hour then rain and wind everything is clean and crisp this morning.
Thank you for your time and your care of your self. The Morning Star was waiting for me this morning as I stepped out of the back door to greet the day. There are leaves all over the ground. Yesterday we put in new windows and began tearing off the old siding. The plumbers had a day of finding weak or worn out things in their equipment and in the drain system. This morning we passed the inspection with flying colors. We are now FREE to insulate and put on the siding and install the heating system.
For those of you who have sent gifts towards the accomplishment of this task I am very grateful. For those of you who are not yet ready to help I am grateful for your knowledge of yourself and your path. for those of you who can and will send financial support please mail it to Mary Brown 109 4th St NW, Pipestone, MN. It will go directly to the men who are doing this work for us to support their families. It is important to go forward with this project in this place. Thank you relatives for your support.
So back to the story.
Last fall (2011) I was at a grandmothers gathering in AZ and had two dreams. In one dream the Spirits showed my vertebrae, my back spinal column, and it had a big hole in it. It looked a bit scary, and then while I was looking at it the Spirits showed how they stabilized and mended it which was a relief.
Then I had a second dream. In that dream I was sitting down to get a tattoo. Which again for me is no new thing. Only this time it was a Spirit Being doing the work on my right leg. I was watching the Being outline everything and realized that he was going to tattoo my entire leg! I said,"Hey! wait! I just asked for this much (holding out my hands in a thumbs and fingers to make a small circle)." He kept on working. I was like, "Hey! What are you doing!? This is going to really hurt!" At that point the Being stopped tattooing and looked me right in the eye. He said," you'll be fine, get over it." so I just sat back and watched it go.
Both sets of my ancestors were blue people. The Picts were my european ancestors through the McDuff clan, and they were called Picts because they tattooed themselves blue. The Arapaho also were known for tattooing themselves blue. I have been a traditional beadworker since I was a little girl. I love patterns and stories in beadwork and in tattoos. Mine are a story. They are a medicine in and on my skin intended to change, refine, direct, and honor the me that I am becoming. I hope to have a full suit by the end of my life. On my right forearm in Sanskrit is written Om Ma Ni Pad Me Humn which most people may not know that the characters mean: generosity, ethics, patience, Tolerance, perseverance, and wisdom. And when all placed in a row those characters add up to compassion. On my left forearm in Sanskrit is a prayer: "Seek peace above all else, knowledge, kindness, and lack of aggression will protect me from all violence and ignorant destruction. " Pretty cool huh! Once when I was a resident at UPenn, one of the students asked me why I put that on my forearms? I said that I wanted to be able to see it every time I moved my hands in my scrub shirt. He laughed and said do you have to be reminded? and I said Yes. don't you?
Back to the dreamtime.
When I woke up I knew two things for sure. The Spirits were fixing to change my life again drastically and it would be very painful that change, and I would be fine.
Being fine can take some doing. Its not as easy as it seems to sit back like Shiva on the waves and trust the current. Personally it took me some major over and over again last year, reminding myself that Spirit was in charge and I was told I would be fine. It was a great year for learning and for change. It took some time to actually sit back in the chair and let the Spirits work.
One my way home from the grandmothers I was wondering how this would begin. It was 6:30 in the morning, I was really tired I'd been driving 15 hours to get home to work, and decided to exit and get some coffee. Starbucks was look'in good!
I pulled off onto the exit as was waiting for the light to change when I got rear ended. That was it. I knew it was now. I was sitting in my car in shock, trying to figure out if I was hurt when the guy that hit me pulled up beside me and said, " I'm not sure why I did that! I just took my foot off the brake and put it on the accelerator and rammed you!?" He was seriously confused. I knew why he did it. It was definitely part of the plan.
Back in 09. That magical year. I had a dream that I was driving down the wrong side of the street. No matter what I did to correct my course my car stayed in the oncoming traffic lane. I was a bit freaked out so I pulled my FJ into a parking lot so that I would not hurt anyone. When I got into the parking lot the car started to spin counterclockwise and the wheel was useless. So, I just let go of the wheel. Once I let go of it I actually was able to look out the window and see lots of stuff going on. Like being in a big viewing room. No one got hurt in the dream and I felt again like the Spirits were letting me know something was coming. Big Change, big stuff.
Later on that week (in 09) I was sitting at a stop light in Dallas, on my way back to work, at about 4:30 in the afternoon. I realized that the surroundings looked like the street and lot I had been in in the dream. The next thing I knew I had been hit in the front end of my FJ by a car. I was stunned! I had been hit so hard that the lincoln that had hit me ( which I later found out was black) appeared to be lime green. I sat for a minute not sure what to do, then I realized my collar bone was in the wrong place under my seatbelt, so I pushed it back into place with my thumb. ( For those of you who find this odd, I am a veterinary surgeon and we don't like things out of place!) Then a fireman helped me out of the car and over to the curb where I called a friend to come and get me. My car was not drivable.
The ambulance dudes asked if I was ok and I said yes I think so. so they left. later when my friend got there she said'" Mary you need to go to the hospital." I wasn't sure why she said that until she had me look down at my wrists which both were making a weird detour between my forearm and hand. "Oops", I said, "That's not right!"
So we called the ambulance dudes back and I went to the hospital. I had two broken wrists, a ruptured disc in my back, two in my neck, and the separated (now put back) collar bone. Turns out the lincoln was stolen and the cops were chasing him at 90 through the traffic. Kind of not great. It was a long ordeal with lots of spiritual growth for me from that "lime green" lincoln. Any how, you might begin to see why after big dreams indicating pain and transformation that I might be a little paranoid about being hit in a car!
Back in 20011 the guy who hit me and I got through everything, I went to Starbucks, called my chiropractor, and went home to ice my back. I decided to take the day off and just get some rest. That night I had another dream. It showed that my chiropractor was going to take me in a back room at her dad's house and in that room there were folks shooting up and kind of slinking about. The room was full of really bad intentioned human beings. Creepy like I imagine a junky house would be. It was really not a very good place. No light in there. In the dream I went in to find my friend ( the chiropractor) and she wanted to leave but she was so freaked out about her dad and the junkies and about being trapped in there, that she overreacted when I touched her and she stabbed me in the hand with a needle. I looked down at it, in the dream, and realized that this was the beginning of pain and loss from others fear about who and how I am, and that I would lose a significant amount of money starting with her.
But the Spirits said get over it so ????
so I went to see her the following morning, she took a series of spinal films, and there in the middle of my thoracic spinal vertebral column was a big hole. Just like in the dream. A big lucency in the bone that was anything but normal. You know I would never had found it or seen it without the guy hitting me. Isn't that some sort of blessing now! The rule outs from the radiologist were unknown bone loss, or bone cancer.
we were off into the transition that was going to be really big ( tattooing my entire right leg) and really painful, but I was going to be fine.
well its been quite a day here on the prairie. Im tired and am going to watch Kung Fu Panda one more time.
time to eat dinner and call it a night
I worked all day on finishing the dogs house and kennel area for the winter, the guys have started taking off the siding. The house looks really small now. The original boards are very cool. They are from the 1800's awesome!! Tomorrow we will go and sort the reclaimed steel to pick the sheets for the house and begin applying. it. Wish us luck and safety and send money!!
thank you relatives for your love for your patience, for your integrity, for your beingness
I love you
every day
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