Thank you for your love of the land the water and the sky. I have been encouraged to write own how this Grandmother house was born. So I will do my best.
There have been many things, doings, that like little springs, burst forth in my life through dreams and Spirit weaving into events which resulted in me being here in Pipestone. Working towards building the Grandmother house. I call this place, this house, this land and event, "The Center of the East and West Gate". That is, "Center," as in middle. But the center as you know, is much more than the middle. It is the beginning and the end, all together all at once. A place of infinite balance, infinite possibility, infinite dimensionality, and infinite wisdom. When we enter through the East andthe West gate at the same time, we stand in The Center. That is This Place. It is that because it belongs to the Spirits. They have brought it about and through us will continue to create it and it's giving to this time.
The first dream I had about this place was in 09. I dreamed that my dad picked me up on a chopper motorcycle drove me north. It was a long journey in the dark. We arrived as morning was breaking. My dad pulled up to the curb of a place where there was A tall yellow house. He parked the bike and as I got off he and the bike disappeared. I was facing north. I remembered exactly the paint on the bike. It was black and white with lightening and swallows diving through time and space.
Walking up to greet me was a man who was native american in appearance. He greeted me then stood with me to my left as I walked towards the house. We passed under a tall gate that was hung with copper bells from India as well as many feathers and prayer ties. I recognized the gate as the entrance to my home.
As we walked towards the house it changed into three tipi's. Between the tipi's a grandmother with long white braids was chasing four buffalo. She was dressed in white buckskin dress, leggings and moccasins. As she chased the buffalo they ran from the north to the west south west weaving between the lodges. She was laughing the whole time as if she was full of joy and confidence. As they ran by she looked me in the eye smiling and I knew her! As I turned to the west and south to watch them running, there came from the south a great yellow horse neighing and calling other horses behind to come. When the yellow horse met the buffalo and the grandmother, they all wheeled around and ran back down to the lodges. It was a great noise but no disruption. They went behind the lodges to a place she showed me in my mind that was for ceremony. It was to yet visible in this time.
I turned around counterclockwise again to face south and out of a door that opened in the sky right in front of me came a Spirit man. He had white hair and a shirt with beadwork over his heart. In his left hand was a feather fan. He strode past me down to where the ceremony was to begin. He did not speak. He was very focused in hisintent he was very powerful and had electricity all around and through him. Then I turned to the east and another door opened in the sky and through it came a woman with the same type of shirt and beadwork over her heart. She also had a feather in her hand. She smiled at me and went past down to where the ceremony was to begin. She was of brown hair and soft wind warmth and like flowers.
I studied the colors and the feel of the beadwork and I woke up.
This is the first dream of many and events that led to where we are. Many things came before in my life and in others lives that have woven this reality. I want to honor all those Spirits who have and are weaving as you and I speak. I want to honor all the lives of all the beings who have created this day. I will only be able to relate a minuscule amount of te great fabric of my life and your in this telling and so I honor all the unsaid but given and done and lived and died. All the gifts given and still to come.
I will write more tomorrow.
Thank you for your generosity, I respect you, I honor you, I appreciate you and I love you even as day follows night into morning, I will remember you in my prayers.
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