Saturday, September 1, 2012

Non Profit Status and Intentionality

I wanted to address the issue of being a non-profit

there are many good things with being a non profit organization and I know that it works for many organizations

however for this place and project here are the current thoughts that are guiding our decisions

at this time we are electing not to participate in the US governments non profit system. We have identified some and will continue to add to the benefits and issues that are provided by nonprofit organizational rules and regulations.

we believe that in returning the accountability to ourselves and creating and continuing the practice of trust, work, play, prayer, life skills, accountability to the whole and the self and use of the peer spirit circle practice we will and are creating a life style that will be sustainable and remake our world. Each of the advisors have lived life and gone through our own journeys of encounters with shadow, greed, fear, ego, oppression, loss, discrimination, socialization, religiousosity, pride, naivety, and many other things that have taught us through both negative and positive example who we choose to be and what we value in ourselves and each other and in the world around us. Those of us in the advisor group are practiced at being clear and honest with each other and in listening and considering that which is proposed as well as acted on. Part of the main goal of the project is to restore to each human being the active working understanding that they have a right to free will, to a personal, deeply developed relationship with Spirit, to an individual depth and development of who they are as a Spiritual being here on this planet fully realized as themselves and in thus becoming will strengthen the balance and the whole of the great circle of life. It is our intent to provide a place of peace, study, practice, and accountability here in Pipestone. We will be and are teaching even today classes on life skills. That, we believe is how Grandmothers will be and are changing the world.

we do not rely on hope  hope is a poor business plan and implies the lack of hope which also creates judgment and negativity, so we do not hope for these things or this change

We embody it.

We are living commitments to this work. Every day in our breath with our words and silence, in our hands with our actions and work, in our hearts with holding the fire of life throughout the country and the world, through or minds in not grasping the negative but standing quietly in the positive, in our bodies by eating well and simply, in our drink by honoring water and its beauty we demonstrate these comitments. We do this every day that follows night and every night that follows day for all of our relatives, for the water, for the earth, for the sky, and also for human beings. LOL

so to address some of the concerns that people use non profit rules for:

 to the intent of the project is maintained by a group of people dedicated to this project who support the leadership of the Spirits and the vision and actualization of that vision. it is being developed in stages with prayer in a living town and community on a daily basis.

financial accountability is maintained by a financial advisor group of grandmothers that review the finances, the inflow and outflow of monies and energy. We review these factors and honor their sources. We maintain a practice of reviewing costs/expenses/plans and timing for the development of the project.  We also maintain a vision of a fire and the return of energy and blessing to any and all that make any and all contribution to this project.  Each gift given, even in thought, is received with welcome and passed into the project with daily prayer and peace. Each gift given, even in thought, is sent to the Spirits to focus, grow, return, and develop as they intend and as they know how to return again and again to all who join in this circle. Each negativity that is directed at this project is kindly returned to its source to be focused and revamped in its own path at its source. We feel that this maintains a clear beauty way and opportunity for us not to stand between anyone and their own relationship with spirit.

I believe that accountability will grow as we understand and develop the working of this project

one of our intents is to not be guided or controlled by governmental policy about tax relief or reward or identity.

while we very much support paying taxes as are due and we also will pay taxes when appropriate we do not wish to focus the spiritual return back through a givers bank or tax account.  We trust that those who are lead to give and support with energy in the form of money will also trust that that resource and energy is respected and will be applied in the best way at the best time.  No money for any personal well being or care is removed from the donations. I myself as well as the other financial advisors have our own jobs and incomes that we maintain separate from this project.

I hope that this helps to answere some questions about our intent and the people who are facilitating this work.
you can email me questions if you like or

thanx mb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who are "we"?