Saturday, November 15, 2014

thanx in black and white

Good Evening Relatives

its our first real snow storm of the season today     it peaceful      Ive just returned from the grandmothers gathering in Az

it was an amazing giveaway of so much understanding  so much beauty of the work that all the women put into the gathering  the planning and circle practice practitioners   came into blossom and fruition right in front of our eyes

I am especially pleased and grateful for the gifts of understanding that I was given from the various women who came to the gathering and gave their gifts to all who freely wanted to partake of them

thank you for your giveaway  I am still considering and enjoying the unpacking of those gifts as I enjoy the silence and peace of the winter snow here in Pipestone

it was an extraordinary year this year  it was a very balanced year from my perspective and I find that encouraging

I want to use todays post to say thank you to all who showed up and who shared in the gifts this year  and I include in that thank you the Spirit Beings  the land the Beings who participated as watchers and onlookers  to the staff and those who at home made it possible for those who travelled and gathered to give and receive  thank you  thank you to those who brought the believing mirror those who brought the shadow and negative reflection so that we, you, I  all could be assured that each of us were truly who we chose to be and had the conviction and heart to stand in our own presence in each others presence  and be present   thank you for that gift of making sure that I and others and yourself were steadfast in the commitment to be who we came to be and who we dedicate ourselves to be truly and without apology I understand and have known for many years that what to some is a darkness to others is a light  and when a light shines in darkness it is simply that which illuminates what is unseen and often that light is a negativity that by its very willingness to show up so brightly helps me to discover the hidden way of positivity that I seek and yet cannot often find it is the same as finding life by being surrounded by death  all that is not is what is
 we are neither light or  dark beings but the reflection of what is and the embodiment of what we choose and choose again and again to hold as precious in our own hearts and minds

it is without apology or judgment that I accept that it takes an entirety of experience to satisfy the need for a human being to finally become immovable in its centeredness to trust the path that unfolds as we continue to create our own way by choosing to deepen the principles and practices that we value

not all honor or value the same principles and practices and I accept and honor without judgement those who choose differently than me  may we all go in peace and kindness into the future that we have and do create on a daily basis some to that which destroys and some to that which creates  each in a world that lives and breathes as surely as the one each of us discards

thank you for your very precious gift for it is only in the presence of darkness that the value of the light is realized  and it is only in the light that the desire for the comfort of the dark may be responded to with clarity

thank you
thank me
thank all

best this night and those that follow as we make our way into the birth of a new world peace to the old one as it is laid to rest


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