What an amazing sunrise. The Morning stars are always so clear here, If there are no clouds. I read, "A Swiftly Tilting Planet" yesterday written by Madeline Le'Engle. She was and is an amazing writer. She believed and wrote about changing Now by changing The What Might have beens and What Could be's into what IS. I Believe This also that we can change what is Now by going back or forward and Changing our Intention our Choices and Our Words
old stones from the foundation made into rocks to make a new step |
All my life I've been able to Hold a Thought. an Intention. to Hold an Focus and Make it Into a Reality. I Believed that if something could be Spoken or Written down that it could become Real that It Was Real. when I was young, really young before I let myself be distracted and convinced by all the Fear and Rage and Greed and responsibility that Plagues all of us, it was a simple thing to just recreate what was out of alignment, to just reorient things or people to themselves to Their Sincu (their Heart Light). It wasn't so difficult to remake out of what was so Clearly Abundant and Available all Around me. So if it was so easy when I was a little kid, what happened? What happened to me was not so unusual I think that is why it has been so hard to get Rid of it. to Get back but not Just Back, Back and Forward at the Same Time to a place of Unmovability to the Way of No Way the Place of no Place what Bruce Lee called the Fist of No Fist the Thought of No Thought.
What happened to me between my clear Beginning Self and the, I like to think of Older but Young yet Self, is what John Lennon would say was Life. But if Life is being wrapped in Fear, Doubt, Pain, Tiredness, and an overwhelming sense of such small resource I am afraid this house won't get built, then what kind of life do we have Relatives? I grew up participating in this world, trying to be responsible, loving, professional, reasonably educated etc.. etc... etc... I repeated the past of my Family, my Relatives , those around me who were and perhaps are still trapped in the Illusion of the Illusion. and what Illusion is that?
It is the Illusion that we are Already All We can Be, and We already Have all we Can have, and we Have Already Given What We Can. So if anything is going to Change, to Get Us out of our Old Into a New. If we Are going to Heal the World, then where will that Energy Come From? From me? From You? From another GMA? From the Children? shall we just sit back ? Will that get the stones moved out of the way so we can build the Steps? Will it?? Will Rock move through Fear without Effort? it seems impossible. At least it appears so when I compare the Energy IN to the the Energy OUT. Perhaps we think that More is something someone else brings to the Table. Perhaps we Think or Believe that there is no More? But I am not so sure that this is true. i think that More is Already Here. that we can't see it because we blind ourselves with an Illusion of what the Buddha called Suffering. Our own Fear of Lack protecting us from Fear of Giving. Have we Forgotten Relatives, that like the Rocks for the Steps when We Stand Together and put our small and Steady Efforts and Giveaway Together, that We Are More? That Without Each of Us Together, We are Less?
putting together the steps |
There have been some interesting dichotomies this year here in the mirror at the East and West Gate. One is that the Spirits will provide the perfect opportunity and have all things already in place if I am willing to let go of my own control about money, timing, the Plan, who or How it is going to work out or through and what is available. Which is and has been very cool and frankly more mindblowing than I imagine(can't speak from experience) any substance to be. On the other hand there has been in me an intermittent but persistent Fear about money and the responsibility of getting the house done. I was asked to write the blog so that folks would know the story of the house and why and what is happening here so I did and it has turned into something that I am told is helpful so I continue with it, I have asked any and all the ways I know how, for folks to send money to help finish the house and a few did right away and then a small trickle then nothing. One GMa has committed to helping if no others do but really is that the way we live? What is IT? How hard is it to Give? I wonder if anyone understands how much is given to them on a daily basis? How much this Work Already gives to YOU and Any and All of Us. This Work, is Remaking the World. So why is it so difficult to make the connection of shared responsibility about the Investment? did we give once? did we breathe only once? did we only put tobacco out once? Or did we do it till it was finished? Which is sustaining? which is really changing / healing the world? Working till it was done? Or Not.
old thoughts |
I don't know about you Relatives but hearing the Buddha's words about Suffering, or Abraham's words about, "Seeing it as already done"just never have connected for me. I really was not and have not been able to see the Emperors new clothes at All. Just couldn't seem to manifest that Transition between the Mystical Truth and the Truth of the Pile of Work staring me in the Face everyday. LOL I may have a good wannabe heart but it was not getting me off the ground into the Enlightened State that so many people seem to operate at. Mind you Iv'e seen plenty of those Spiritual Leader folks get just a little edgy when their control factor got off kilter in the middle of the Service. Sometimes it felt so like How can this Way be so Awesome! and yet so Close at hand was what is so Like UnAwesome! Like Po when I practice Kung Fu, I stink. But when I Eat! Kung Fu is a natural as Well, reaching for another handful of sunflower seeds.
new access |
As Po said to Shifu on the Way up the Mountain, " I know you are being a Mystical and Kungfuy, but could you just tell me Where We are Going?" WEll Relatives, I don't think I can train like others, and I don't think I can ask you for the money and resources to finish this house like other people do. But, I can tell a good story!
morning sky |
when I was in junior High, I think 8th grade, I got my first job across the street at the foot ball stadium. I was hired to sell cokes and hot dogs, and popcorn, and cotton candy at a window in one of the stands. It was Great! I had all the noise all the smells, all the popcorn I could eat! and I was doing a great job. It was simple. follow the rules, people would come to the window, order what they wanted, give the money to sustain the system that provided what they wanted, and I would deliver the goodies. Sound familiar? LOL funny isn't it my first and last job are the same one. Anyhow I was at my window one Friday night and a large high school boy, (probably a senior) came up to my window and reached around with his cup and refilled his coke. I told him hey you can't take coke without paying for it and he laughed at me. I think he thought I was way too little to stop him. Which actually it never occurred to me to stop him. Fast as Lightening after Realizing he was Not Intending to be Responsible for What He Wanted and was just going to Take it, I pulled the cup out of his hand and flung the coke all over him. Just like that. He wanted it so he could have it. just like that.
almost sided |
Well, no surprise, he climbed over the counter to get me. Agh! Whoa I was like dude a new reality! someone would actually climb over the counter? How many rules were we going to break tonight! before I could be scared, the owner stepped out behind me ( he was about 6'3" and very Adult!) and asked the kid if he had a problem? the kid, one leg over the counter, looked as surprised as I did. the Owner asked him do you want to purchase something? and the kid mumbled, "No." and ran off. then the Owner walked over to my ice bin and said, " Mary, see this cut off pool cue in here?" "Yes", "Well, it's not just for breaking up the Ice." Hmm what an enlightening night at work that was!
so after the shift was over the Owner asked me to stay and he offered to train me to run not just my little window, but the entire stand on that side. (Eventually within a few weeks I was running the concessions for the whole stadium). But, he said to me," I have to tell you something first."
I listened intently as he told me that my older brother, who had worked there at the concessions, had been caught stealing $50.00 from his till. the Owner had let my brother go from his job. He had to tell me this although like other lessons in my life I still am not sure why he needed to tell me. But it affected me. It affected me that my Brother would Steal, that he would Feel such a Lack in his life that he would Take from the Whole and Lie to Himself and others about his Responsibility Over money. it was an awful feeling to me. My Brother whom I loved so much must be in So Much Pain about Lack that rather than work and trade his work and money for what he wanted or got from life he was willing to Steal from all of us and Lie about it. I went home and read in my bible about love about that verse that no greater love hath a man than this than he give his life for the ones he loves. I Decided to give me for my Brother. I took out of him the impetus to steal. I ate it. I became it. and I remade him into someone that could not and would not tolerate Stealing.
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earl grey hot! |
Not having any training at what I was doing, and no thought but the one of pure Love give to one I love. I had not idea how to moderate that gift to him or to protect me from becoming what I took. It took me years, LOL to learn how to move that out of me. I spent many years Relatives being the best thief ever which I eventually transformed into being the best protector from stealing before I understood where this had come from and where was the place I could have and eventually did put that mentation. thank Life for that Blessing. and my Brother to the last day that I knew him hated Thieves, he is and was known as the most honest person and employee anyone could ever hire. It was interesting Later when I was grown up and studying with my Spiritual Teacher about Prayer and remaking life and others with the Pipe and the Spirits Recreating us with our permission to look back on that event and realize what had happened to me and my brother and what had been manifested from the Love and Intention in my clear little Heart. My Sincu
layers of new made from the old |
Back to now, to the Fear and Lack that I hear about from GMa's about money and the future, about the Cloud that I can feel is so Willing to Define My Life. Why ? One of my friends calls it the Mirror of Hell. That is an interesting thought. If we Need we create Lack. So How do we Live without Need Relatives? How to make the Change, How to Transform, How to Reach outside of me, Beyond me into Your World, Our World. How to do that? first I had to have the Path of the Intention. There very definitely is a Way. But what is that Way? I spent the weekend as I have many days before, Looking Once Again at this cloud around all of us. Why so much Fear, why so tight in our fists? I Sat and thought, and Worked and thought, and Dreamed and Thought. and the Spirits finally gave me the Connecting Thought. the Transformational Thought.
turkeys waiting on the school bus |
so Relatives I have to go and pick up the boards for the ceilings from Menards. Thank you GMa (private donor who I am doing my best to keep from paying everyones way all by herself, she is that willing, that committed, that fearless about Life and she understands that the More she Gives the More there Is Access to) for your gift. anyhow, I have to go and do the work now for the house, later for this work that I do for You as Well Relatives, I'll finish this thought, but I will HOLD It Always, Oh and there Will Be Ceremony here in Pipestone with the Pipes for this Way of No Way Saturday but I will speak of that Later tater.
love and light
shadow and song
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