Good evening Relatives
thanx for the great Day. It's going to be in the 70's tomorrow here in Pipestone. A nice day for installing ceilings and finishing up the spray foam.
Winter is on its way and we will welcome it. It is a great time for rest and for storytelling.
I want to get back to finishing the Way of No Way post from this morning. it is really pretty simple.
I realized that when I was asking the Spirits for support for the house for the software company for the children of the Northern Cheyenne at Lame Deer, even for the GMa's and any of us that were praying for the Cheyenne, that I was leaving people out. I was praying that the software would do well and sell but I was not connecting to it the lives of the techs it would help and the income and practice health of the veterinarians that need that software, and the families who are managing to take care of thier pets even in the midst of a sucky economic crisis. I realized I was creating Lack by not Holding the energy of total fullness for everyone all at once.
In asking for support for the GMA house here in Pipestone I was not asking for support for you. Kind of really off center and wrong sort of huh? Well that is what this house is all about finding the Center after going through both gates and then sharing it. So Now I will ask for support for all of you for everyone and that that support be so full and so big that it overflows even to this little house. How is that for a prayer. I think we should all hold this intention all day everyday for a year and then go out each of us everywhere that we live and buy a lottery ticket. Won't it be cool when we all win all at once? That is Transformation of the System to a better end. That is using what is available in the here and now and holding our Fire our intent our commitment our purpose our creation of NO Lack and then giving it back to each other. That is Way
It seems really simple and it is actually very profound It is and it wasn't for me. All my life I have worked and tried to throw off the overculture. To become a pipe carrier all day with no between spots to know and live the beauty way. yet it took all this time and all the falling downs and all the gettings up and over and over again and again till it became very simple Hold the Fire Hold it I can set the Fire I can Create it Intent and then Hold it
Well I am creating the Fire of NO Lack and I am sitting across it from the Spirits and my Ancestors, and YOU and all Creation and Everything all At Once and I am Holding it The Fire OF NO LACK right here in Pipestone in my heart and being and I am vibrating it OUT
not because it would do any thing for me or about me but because I Know it IS me it is the connection that finally commits me forward with no reserve. Ha!
I woke up understanding that if I can Hold on to Fear of Lack; I can Hold on to No Lack
If I can change anything I can change me. and if I can change me then I can change anything
I now know that I can pull every bit of everything in to my being and Hold it transform it and with that holding transformation begin a flow a movement of thought of Intention that all is already available and will show up on time. Im probly actually a little late to the party! LOL
You, I, We can hold that intention no matter what. No matter what Relatives Hold That Intention that there is enough for all of us and I mean ALL of Us and that that fullness will not be dissuaded or diverted from me or anyone else at any time.
Every moment inside of me I am Be-Living that the energy the Force of this Place for this Place and for All Places and All will come through Here and Provide and do it's work and make the Way
rather than my fear and thought of lack making the No Way
so that's it we either live and create the Way
or we live and create the No Way
i know what I choose to think, to Hold, to Act from and through
you can have it your way any way you want
that is the beauty of this place
all my best
Saturday I will be doing ceremony with the pipes both the Red and the Black I will ask the Spirits that work with and are linked to the Red Pipe to come and open the Gates of this Place for Everyliving Thing and Every Fullness to come to All of us the Black Pipe I will ask to work with the Red so that the return of Joy in the understanding that we can Hold and live in Peace and Fullness rather than Lack no matter what our circumstance may be that we never let go of that Joy and that Holding
If you cannot be here in Person then I would ask that you be with us in time and space I will Friday evening post the time for the ceremony Saturday
all my relations
Love your blog and am looking forward to catching up on previous posts during my bus ride to Chicago this Friday.
Abundance ! So be it and so it is.
Today I dance in support of you and all who create the way. Am also sending you a post via mail.
Thanks for holding the fire.
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