It is 27 degrees this morning here in Calhan Colorado. It was a very interesting day yesterday on the motorcycle. As I drove north and then east from Taos I had big plans to make it all the way to nebraska or south dakota. Well there was a different agenda in the making between the Sun, the Sky, the Thunder Beings, and the Earth Mother. As I headed to the low pass just east of Alamosa that crosses over and into Walsenburg I saw a bank of low clouds sitting on the hills that were definitely snow clouds. Going over that pass the temperature dropped to 31 degrees (there is a sensor on the bike) and the wind was from the East. I saw people stopping and taking pictures of how the East side of the Trees were covered in Ice, and the West side still vibrant and soft. It was an amazing shift in the relationship between directions.
Once I got to Pueblo things had warmed up a bit and after stopping for coffee I thought well I'll check the satellite weather map and see where this event is headed. I thought if I could get east of Denver, avoid the mountains and head North at Limon I could still make some daylight hours on the bike. But remember what OOgway said about meeting my destiny on the road I Take to Avoid it. Well I met it all right. As I got out of Colorado Springs on 24 once again the sky turned grey brown, the temp started to drop and Ice began to form on my face shield. The bike kept warning me it was really cold but I had overshot my intent to save money by saving time. So the road I took took to save money and time by not trusting the Spirits to provide enough for the future, took me very close to not being here at all and I spent the last 9.5 miles at 30 degrees going about 50 mph with sheet ice on my jacket, my glasses, my face shield, and praying that the road was dry which it was. I just kept thinking of the Fire, asking for help and going forward while making a strong note to self that I would relax my agenda about fear of money in favor of not crashing and freezing to death. Its not easy being the person who seems to learn by the big stick method way too often. Eventually there appeared a little Econolodge out here in the plains of Co. Shelter never looked so good.
It took years of practice to trust my intent. To trust the little gut feelings that would tell me about me and about what was going on around me. To not take personal the agendas that would bleed into my brain and vibration from other people. To throw off the acquiescing to violent peoples agendas or displeasure. Standing still in the middle of a rock concert and hearing one sound the sound of me, then proceeding to move through and in spite of the crowd, is how it feels sometimes. yet I find that I have earned my own right from me to trust me and to trust the Spirits. I had it long ago, that knowing, from the beginning I think. now it is returned. I just have to practice it in a wider circle. Like on the motorcycle looking at weather reports and juggling being over conscientious about money and time. It is coming faster and faster. Like I have tipped the learning curve and am on the downhill part of the curve, still its important to be attentive so as not to hit any trees.
One of the biggest lessons learned, taught, practiced in the circles at the GMa gathering in AZ this year was about looking in the Mirror to see what my agenda was, is. Paying attention to the center point of the Fire and the Way of the Day. I had the opportunity this year to really witness how I have finally killed off one of my most damaging self predatory agendas. And, not only have I learned to cut its head off every time it rears its little mug ( oh yes our most invested agenda weeds are like the hydra, they grow two more when you whack them, be sure to commit to burning the stumps), I am finally learning to transition that opportunity into an opportunity of replacing negativity with positivity and love. It is an active, or act-of steadfastness that creates something to heal the night sky. It is anything but static.
That act-of-steadfastness begins with learning the skill of looking in the mirror to check my lipstick. By checking my lipstick I am alluding to the inner discernment and acknowledgement of what my intent is in putting lipstick on. Why do it? why sugar coat a pill? why lean on something or embellish it? why push? why not just state the plain simple facts. Lipstick, Trick or Treat. to enhance and enjoy or to lure and trap. Which mirror reflection is it? Do we have the courage to look and See which it is?
This kind of honesty is imperative if we are going to be able to dance on the ice while the east wind is blowing and the task is to get to the north endure the journey and back to work without resting on our laurels. In other words, be in our spirit selves all day everyday in our language, hand movements, work and play, communication and our Real lives! If we are going to recreate the "real world" then we have to begin by being Our Real Selves.
It has to start with developing a relationship with the mirror itself. It took time when we were in circle at the GMa's, for me to even be comfortable looking at me. to look in the mirror. I wanted to avoid it. To criticize or judge me. to Evaluate. Encourage myself. Anything but just look just see who was looking back at me. I had to learn to relax and just look in the mirror. and when I did finally relax, it wasn't so bad. LOL I wasn't so scary to me after all, I actually could see traces of humor, kindness and strength. that was nice. So I can be comfortable with me. That's a great start towards being comfortable with anything else.
Given that I am the only thing in the world that I can change. and Given that prophecy that when the grandmothers speak the world will heal. and Given that healing means change. I am back to the thought, "physician heal thyself." So if I am the only thing I can change. then what am i going to change and how? and since it is with words (speaking). then what am I going to say? and to whom and with what intent? It is a pretty simple thing to figure out that when I cut out trying to get any and everyone to be for, or about, or because of, or according to me (and vis versa me to them) then evaluating just what is left of me is pretty simple. good luck with that sentence, I wrote it and it still takes me a minute. LOL
What kind of world do I want any how? I want it to be friendly, to be kind, to be strong in a steadfast and impenetrable way but very permeable to love and fire, to be deep, then deeper, then again so that the immense depth of this time and opportunity can bee released and felt and enjoyed and held even if just for one moment. I like funny, I like tears, they are good, I like relationship and privacy, silence and sound. I like not getting between someone and their problem so that I don't become an additional problem for them. I also like not putting others between me and my problems as it tends to be really hard on us. So these are things that will drive my intent. this is the world I will try and change things towards. How many of you/us have ever thought through that old prophecy and asked what language will they speak in? what do they want to change things to? Are they democrat or republican? (just kidding) LOL but it matters. investigate the thoughts that drive you. Don't just swallow the agenda of a prophecy just because it sounds cool. make sure you believe it and it will withstand a little poking to check and make sure it is real. Poke the things that are supposed to save you. Kick the tyres, if your faith won't withstand questioning it certainly won't save you.
More shaking out the debris from mary's grandmother save the world tree; I dont want to be taken advantage of or take advantage, but I want to give and receive. I want to witness how everyone else sees and experiences the world in such a unique way and I also want to have joy form others being glad for my unique way. I want to be responsible on My Path but not responsible for Yours. This is my intent this is my doing I guess my yardstick.
so knowing my world view mirror, the next thing is to accept that not all that comes to me is positive. so the next skill is to learn to discern. Will what is said or done or ?? to or towards me feed the Fire? Will it? are you here to speak to the Fire or to agendize me? Am I here to speak to the Fire or agendize you? good question. If you try and agendize me can I recognize it and deflect it and return to the Fire? Can I recognize in me (so fast you couldn't see it) any agenda from me towards you and cut off its head, burn the stumps and return to the Fire between us? Sounds like a plan to me.
Im going to give an example as a way of sharing this then I am going to go to bed! my head is getting tired. LOL
deflecting and transforming what appears in the mirror
good skills for grandmothers
oh and don't forget to burn the stumps!
it is often on a motorcycle adventure that others try and place me in charge of their fears about bikes. it is done in the guise of "looking out for my safety" and sometimes others just outright hit me with their best negative shot to try and satisfy their need to create and feed fear in the fire. Now having ridden since I was 10 yrs old I have heard tons o these comments from any and every person at any opportunity with an agenda about motorcycles and safety. so I've had lots of practice, and this is a tip best to go ahead and practice these skills with your most experienced subject and the most predictable folks around you so that you can really try out some new observation, deflection, transformation skills! Remember, stop trying to change them, don't avoid them, stand in you, change you, and then deliver. cool I bet your life like mine is a walking classroom!
ok here we go
a GMa (perfect place for that predator to show up, how many predators use the GMa outfit to sneak in that self serving agenda!) who I encountered during prep for the gathering, made a comment that she saw I rode in on my "Donorcycle." (cue tone and facial expressions) I looked up at her recognizing the tone, the agenda, the opportunity, the person and her proclivity to inflict harm in some well meaning way of judgementalness, and the topic {see faster than lightening!) so , rather than be a target, or try and change her or grab onto this challenge, I said," the only donations that that bike is allowed to make to me (thus receiving the word of her choice, drawing a boundary) are a safe journey, beautiful memories, comfortable companionship, and the meeting of excellent people along the way, and to live to ride again tomorrow; as my father taught me." (thus invoking all the strengths, magic, protection, joy, and ancestral watching over me I could think of in that lightening strike). Successfully deflecting her judgement, prediction, intent to harm, negativity, and small minded bitterness translated so transparently as "care and greeting to me." I transformed the opportunity into a beauty way blessing for my bike, me and my relatives who have learned to and do weave a road of beauty and joy and safety and comfort around me as I travel on the bike.
no apology, no criticism, no joking or mocking, no wavering (that, is burning the stumps). it is very vey important to burn the stumps. If you ever see Bruce Lee when he fought He had that look of resolve at the end of his moves, as does the Panda, no apology, no joke, no shit. Either we save the world or we don't.
that is using the mirror to receive, deflect, transform, and return the kind of world this GMa wants to live in.
watch kung fu panda 2 you will see this skill in that movie.
time for bed
love and light to the children of Cheyenne, Shadow and song full of stars and safety to the Children of Cheyenne and all their Relations. love love love
Thanx to all who have and are creating a safe and beautiful ride home for me and the bike. I look forward to only 6more hours of riding before I greet my beautiful four legged family and the wonderful grandmother house in the making.
sweet dreams to all my relations
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