I'm home! safe and sound and glad to have my feet firmly on the ground. Thank you Relatives for the beauty way that you helped the Spirits create for a safe journey to Tucson and then home. Thank you so much for the gifts, the stories, the love, the struggles, the beauty, the tears, the lessons, the dreams and the wonderful way that We are All remaking the world. Thank you!
the dogs and cat are very glad that I am home and we had a great time yesterday. There are already two GMa's on their way over today to visit and discuss the gathering at AZ and to visit about some teachings we are working on. WE are Doing it! here in Pipestone MN!
the new siding is going great! |
It was an amazing journey. the Ice in Colorado turned into Snow in Nebraska and Wind here in SD and Minnesota. It was 27 degrees in colorado and 68 when I arrived home in the North Country. Awesome shifts are happening.
An update on the house, the siding guys took a break while I was gone to help with the Harvest and also to complete some smaller jobs for other people in need. They are planning on coming back next week to finish the house. WE have met 23% of the goal! yea!! the total cost of the labor for the siding is 6400.00 so we have met 23% of that goal. yea!! I have already paid for the supplies, materials, and trash removal/disposal. If you can send a donation send it to P.O. Box 291 Mary Brown Pipestone MN 56164. Thank you to all of you who are helping it is making a huge difference.
The insulation that was put in before I left is working! Inside the house is definitely warmer than outside. Also no pipes froze which is great!! the next phase is the design and installation of the radiant heat system. I am working with a design guy who has 40+ years of experience [you can look him up and review his website if you like! (http://radiantdesigninstitute.com)]as well as a plumber who is honest and careful. so the plan is to prepare the system for the entire house and install enough of it to make it through the winter in an effective and cost efficient way. Yea!
the wild turkeys checking in |
some folks asked about my work so here is the synopsis. I own a veterinary software company that allows me to work from any where. We are just coming out of beta testing and have made one sale. I will be attending the veterinary dental conference in Seattle in November, and also going to SC this fall to do some training and demo/sales. I also am starting EMT school in January. Our local county EMS is based here in Pipestone and they are paid volunteers. They will pay for me to go to school (three months) which is 8 miles away, if I volunteer for 2 years. So an excellent trade. I can volunteer part time or full and will receive benefits and be paid when I work. And I work as of today!! a couple hours on busy days at the local coffee shop to help with dishes, cleanup, prep and general goferness. It all adds up and I've no attachment to big bucks just steady work and good heart!
for future developments, On the trip to Tucson I literally ran into Justin Gold founder and CEO of Justin's Nuts; he makes nut butters, at a wayside stop in Utah. LOL I discussed with him a business I have tossed about in my head for at least 12 years which is to manufacture and sell savory peanut butters. I have the recipes, the name, the business plan I just needed encouragement. He offered encouragement and support! yea Justin! So I'm going to write a proposal for a small business loan to create a peanut butter company here in Pipestone and he agreed to help me! Cool huh he will help with resources and contacts. That will be great we will not have such a long hard learning curve thanx to his contribution to the great circle! The business model is as unique as the product. Every person in the company will exchange/rotate positions every 6 months. Remember circle practice? that way there is a leader in every job, each person will understand the parameters of each task that is involved in making the whole company a success. Each person will be paid the same living wage with a bonus quarterly that will be designed on the profits and balance of keeping the company solvent long term. Each person as they rotate positions will be encouraged to help continuously reflect on the task and redesign to keep things efficient and effective. It will also help encourage and teach good circle practice, excellent work ethics and skills, and maintain a horizontal skilled workforce. Once the brand is successful and we are being sold at Whole Foods, etc.... then we will create other production plants on the same model across the country to meet the need. There will be a limit to the shipping range of the product so that each region can have a sustainable company from the production plant near them. Like the GMa Gatherings being limited to ~50 attendees it maintains that personal touch and excellence as an alternative to a big conglomerate. Remember we are not after huge profits, but huge changes in how we all see our day and are skilled in our life, the peanut butter is just the icing on the cake of life. We will use circle practice to teach good communication skills and problem solving at work. Justin loved the work model idea. Very cool glad I took that scenic view exit. LOL get it both he and I took the scenic view out in the wasteland of utah LOL
Lots of work and opportunity coming our way. Oh and Eleanor and I are writing the book on Gma as predator. So
got to get the heat in the house and the siding finished so we can get on with our work! This afternoon I will be meeting with these two GMa's then installing the outdoor lights and outlets, finish installing outlets inside and begin prepping the upstairs for wall coverings. tomorrow I will work on wall coverings in the upstairs and installing the reclaimed flooring in the kitchen and downstairs utility rooms. I may have the opportunity to seal and install the tile in the bathroom this week also.
it has been an exceptional day here in Pipestone, the GMa's came and we visited it was great! they rock! we discussed the circle practice, using the mirror to check agendas, the self predatory complex, and the workshop with snow white the evil queen little red riding hood and the wolf. What a great day.
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buddha with pipedust sprinkles and tobacco in hand |
I want to thank all of you who have created this blog by asking for it, by reading it, by sharing it with others. Thank you I am honored to be your friend. Today is just kind of a catch up day and a big day for thank you's and for gratefulness
thank you
love every day
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