Thursday, September 19, 2013

Princess Perlipat and the Nutcracker

Dearest Relatives

The Thunder Beings woke me today  we had a brief and strong beginning to the day  with lightning and rain and wind   perfect way to clean house after a night of dreams

I dreamed last night of my dog Perli  she was a blue baby  a little english bulldog who had a trachea the size of a pencil   she had from birth trouble oxygenating and I met her at the missouri state veterinary teaching hospital ICU when i was there on extern rotation from Uof M to learn about critical care  her owner called me after finding me through the system a month after I returned to Minnesota when my rotation ended   she wanted me to have Perli  because she felt I would take care of her   and I did

for years Perlipat was my dog and we had many adventures   then when I was a resident a the U Penn teaching hospital  I would take Perli and my other two dogs to the neighborhood dog park before and after school / rotations and on the days off that I had    we met a woman and her daughter who had lost their dog to illness and old age   they came to the dog park just to play with dogs and to heal their hearts and keep them light

well  long story short a few weeks later Perli went home with them and became their dog    it was a tough decision inone way andin another it was simple  they and she kind of made it for me and it was a great christmas gift to them     I think of my animal friends sometimes like foster kids  they have to grow up and move away and have their own families   it is hard and they are never forgotten but we all are richer when we are able to have more than just one set family love or relation I think  

last night perli came to visit me in the dreamtime   one thing that has been pretty steady for me is that when my loves  or my relatives or my relations leave their clay suits and move into the spirit world they come and visit me in the dreamtime   last night perli did and we cleaned her up and got all her scars and fears and pain and losses rinsed away and together with all the other loving souls who hang about the fort with me we restored her

I do not think for one moment that Perli went to a home that was hard or mean or bad to her  what I think fromw hat the spirits ahve told me and what I witnessed as a veterinarian is that our animals heal us as they stay with us   they choose to take on our pain and fear and loss  they take our illnesses and heal our hearts souls and bodies over and over until they just finally give out

god belss Perli for her love  her loyalty and for coming home to rest and to heal and now she is done her work and she is once again soft and laughable and free to play

I honor her and all the animals that save us every day  thank you Toast, Merlin, Booger Red, Little Cloud, Trout, StoryTeller, Spike, Mahkhata, Perli and all the others who have saved me and thus you Relatives over the years

love love love

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