Friday, May 17, 2013

Molly and Stephen hope for tomorrow posted today

good morning relatives

hope your day is going well   yesterday i was able to get some things done here at the house that I've been wanting to for a bit  one thing on a long list of many things and winter is already closer today than it was yesterday!

yesterday in the afternoon the clouds came in and the soft air was filled with the scent of rain   it was a long time coming and it gave the air such a sweetness then the rain itself was gentle and stayed for most of the night

it was lovely   such a reminder of what gentleness can be used in our actions and in our care with each other

the trees that were purchased last fall from the county extension which I got put out bit by bit are doing well   the rain gave them a long deep soaking and they are already responding with little shoots of green at their tips which is encouraging for bare root planting !   I put a row of nanking cherries all along the front walk on one side (the side opposite the snow removal side) and they will eventually make a nice hedge and have fruit for the birds as well as cover for them   then along the outside of the cherries and across the yard I put out purple lilacs  which will also grow to give beauty and shade and a nice barrier to the street   along the street between the house and the grainery which is across from us I put a row of evergreens to make a wind and noise and privacy break  they are only about a foot and a half tall now but will grow and age as the house does as well

it is odd somehow to think of time and trees growing  to think that I might bee here for years is an odd thought  this winter after my fall down the stairs my life became one of day to day   doing what I could day to day without any thought about tomorrow   I know that I have lived for a few years now and can recall my past if I focus on it but it has drifted away like the cottowood seeds in the wind  leaving me only with what is in front of me for this day

looking at mortality and immortality has become for me a waste of time!  I have no idea what all the fuss was about as I was growing up  it seems that we - I got so focused on what was coming that I made too many missteps in the days I had   now I sit and enjoy the rain when it comes for i know that it does not come to everyone   the lake visits when she can and so I sit with her and have tea and listen to what she has to say  

I am on the emailing list for a ukelele sight and every week i get the posts for the current uke songs that people make up and sing and record to share   I enjoy this as i dont have a radio or tv and so am probably much out of tune with the current world sound stage LOL

I've been writing on the book about Lame Deer, I got to go and help with rescuing two dogs last weekend and in that journey got to meet with women who are working in their own lives to find their way   I want to encourage women to find their way  to find their voice and connection with the sacredness that lives within each of us   it really does live and breath with in you  and me  and the rain and the grass   it is here now

I hope to encourage people to think on their own  to discuss and try life on  to push a little bit at the boundaries of their own thoughts so that they can expand if it feels correct into a more loving more connected way of living in their day with themselves   I believe that if we do that then we will be that way with each other by proxy   it is important to remember that we need each others kindness  we need each others care  we don't need leaders to tell us who to be we must figure that out for ourselves  but we need those who have gone ahead or have a little more experience to say so that those of us who have not yet learned to consider the true impact of our words, our thoughts, our kindness on our own bodies our own lives and thus on each others  so that we know that we can try and it can be done

the link to the uke song for today was funny  it was also encouraging to me to hear a girl singing to a gay man that she would want him to be part of her future  part of her children's gene pool   it was and is for me a wondrous example of the flexibility and changes that kindness can offer and can be so much more valuable to us as a species than discrimination or hate
way to go uke girl

I hope that you enjoy it as I did even if you do not see within it as I do hope for humanity in her humor, in her kindness to a man who through humor intellegence and willingness to be public in his exploration of life to pave the way for a kinder gentler America 

bless you this day relatives  for your hands  for your hearts for your kindness in action first for you and then for the rest of us 

love love love 

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