Good Mroning Relatives
wow we had two inches of snow last night it s a perfectly quiet morning
I had the best dreams last night I have started on my next writing project Im writing an interpretation of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali in the dreams I found myself on a different planet in a different time one of the people that I know from this time and place was also there
she was suffering from the scars that her father placed in her psyche there were others there who also were caught in the illusion of the scars and the identity that comes from misidentification of who we are as human beings
which is what the sutras are about un attaching our identification from the wrong point and attaching it freeing it so that it returns to it origin thus freeing us
between my friend, and the other people who were there arose a conflict with a third group a group of what we would call aliens simply because they are shaped differently than we are
the conflict was going to be resolved with violence
I stepped out to the edge between the parties and began to sing looking up to the night sky the star sky I began to sing out of the song that came out of me which I had no memory of knowing came a reorientation an adjustment between myself and the stars it grew in strength as the song grew
inside the song inside the connection i could see, feel that the idea that was behind the need for violence was just an illusion
the song changed everything the orientation it gave healed all the violence
what I woke knowing is that we all carry in our minds the memories the scars of our past the wrong identity between ourselves and ourselves
perhaps it is writing about the Sutras that brought the dream perhaps it was time for me to hear the song and sing it
either way what I see is that we are trapped in an illusion that because we believe it we feel threatened we feel angst we feel like we are what we truly are not
if your mind or your identity today gives you the impetus to be violent relatives in any way towards yourself or another remember that whatever it is that you think you are you are not whatever it is that pushes you to do something that is negative that push is only in your mind
let it go do not invest in what is not real
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