Good Morning Relatives
we are living on dry ice here in Pipestone it is quite and amazing spring the temperatures are still hovering between the minus and the positive with a sum total that equals zero
which is where it seems support for this blog is hovering
now that the first draft of the first book is done and I find myself in the habit of writing Im going to begin on the next project
the turkeys have come back here to the front of the house to bask in the heat that reflects off of the steel siding we put up they congregate on the south side of the house and pulls snake from the small patch of open grass they chat and visit with each other while just on the other side of the 10 inches of wall that separate us the dogs and I listen in
an update on me I fell on the ice at work and reinsured my left shoulder now am going through the process of waiting on the workers comp to arrange the surgery to reattach my biceps tendon to its proper place on my arm another mystery waiting to unfold in the spring
reattachment is not exactly what I have spent my spiritual life doing reattaching more of it has been spent in learning how to let go of attachments
obviously like the temperature there is a balance obviously without attachments my muscles can't move my arm or hands in the usual way or without pain
which do you think is more important in this case?
enjoy your day relatives
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