Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lime Green Jello Surprise

Dearest Relatives

welcome to the table   I was in the grocery store today and had the intense craving for frooty jello marshmallow salad.  That got me to thinking about all the foods that moms and grandmoms made over the years    I thought  what a better food to cheer up the winter than cold frooty squishy nutty tasty lime green jello surprise    yumm    that got me to thinking about cold carrot raisin salad   which made me think about how family works so hard to help each other through the seasons

winter   quiet  warmth  isolation  hard work  hard surfaces  and short light cycles  long dark cycles  lots of rich bone broths cooking on the stove every day    snow and rain and ice   water changing form daily  pulling holding releasing energy into the world every day  and dreams  winter is definitely about food and dreams

I'm becoming interested in cooking things that restore and don't deplete the body   what is interesting is that overdoing restoring one thing that is missing can make it begin to deplete the other parts   it is the same when in ceremony or healing something is removed from someone  if they do not already know what they will fill that space with it can be a burden to them

the edges of the spaces that are created in us when we remove an action or thought or activity that we believe we no longer need or that is proven to be destructive to ourselves and thus our surroundings, the edges of that space long to be matched or met by what fit s them perfectly
that craving for a prefect fit drives many people back into the arms of what they rid themselves of to begin with
they cannot live with the uncomfortable edges or the space
or the hollow feeling
 if we cannot endure being hollow
or having raw edges
it is a good idea to find a filler that will either grind those edges to a different shape or flow infinitely into any form     but not be what was removed
often it is this repetitious cycle that is the mindlessness that pulls us out of balance and creates the mentation of the hungry ghost

balance in the seasons  balance in the heart  balance in nutrition  balance in work and sleep  balance in rest and play  balance in taking in and letting out  balance    yin yang  taiji  wuxi  taiji  yin yang


its so funny how easy it is to get out of balance  

the trouble with being out of balance is that if we lose our footing on what we are standing then we come crashing down with all the weight of our convictions

it would be really nice if we could land in some of that squishy jello    or if we could perhaps bounce right back up
more often than not we land on the hard floor

in reviewing the recent crashes sort of like reviewing what food to ingest this week I thought it would be good to take a look at what we are standing on in the first place

unfortunately when we take a stand  its usually that we stand on something that is we believe rock solid  it makes sense to not be squishy in our footing because it might make it impossible to hold still
if we don't hold still we can't be steady can we?
maybe but maybe not
we can play Sherlock Holmes with this problem

 if we can't be squishy in our footing or root  then how is is that we can ease our fall if we do, or, maintain a balance that appears to be so precarious as to preclude still thought?

when I make bone broth  Im after the minerals in the bone    there is a process where combining the right ingredients in a pot and applying heat for several hours causes the hard bones to give up their rich minerals  they are drawn out into the broth  which in turn can either be drunk or used as a liquid to make a different food and during that process the minerals are re-infused back into a solid form to be ingested broken down again and then used to restore the body.  it is the ability of the minerals to be very small and also to be unchanged by heat or digestion or whatever physical form they happen to be present in at any particular time.  it is this unchangeable molecular self-awareness that allows them to shape shift throughout their time in this world and also to be transferred from form to form and incorporated into our bones or muscle and participate like a good neighbor without taking over the castle or investing so hard in their transient identity that they would rather break the bones to dust than let go of that form

I think we can learn alot from the calcium molecule  and from jello salad

if we take away the need in ourselves for a large footing for stability
say we make our stability the size of a calcium molecule  then our convictions are either so concentrated or so singular that they can be that small and our foot is stable in all relativity, well except for atoms and neutrons,  but lets stick with molecules for now.

therefore they can be stood on firmly in any situation  and if our balance comes not from directing the decisions about our inertia outward  but rather inward
and we hold that point at all times
then either we will not fall in the classic sense because we will allow no rotational inertia relative to our position
or if we allow rotational inertia relative to our position then our footprint or space occupance is made so small that it also is not able to deviate from the center of our mass therefore our body or footprint is not large enough to fall away from our self awareness no matter how fast or furious the rotational inertia

because in this world we have bodies that rise above the surface of the earth and we are two legged, one of our first lessons is to stand and walk and then to run,  our standing and walking is based on holding inside ourselves our own self awareness  and combining it into a dynamic balanced relationship with everything that is not a part of our own self awareness. that self awareness is the beginners mind  it is the mind of the child   the standing and walking is our relationship with our surroundings  getting along  our ability to balance  in an community effort  the floor is being the floor, the wall a wall, the chair a chair  and we are standing

unfortunately as we learn to walk and then run we are also taught to think that our convictions are equitable to standing up for ourselves   we become deluded away from our early first lesson.

which is if you want to stand and walk around on your own two feet then you can't impose your own relativity outside of yourself on your surroundings or you will fall down

we begin to believe that our size and our uprightness and our footprint have to be bigger to make our way have value

or to be recognized

or to carry weight

or to be valid

or to have an effect

we begin to move things out of our way  
into our plan
and that
creates a sense of power

we have lost the thought that our center is a molecule

and that that molecule exists as it self relative to other molecules

any effort to persuade or take over other molecules makes us equal to an invasive reaction or cancerous growth

any effort to increase our footprint by making our surroundings or the other molecules that we come in contact with the same as what we want increases the inertia and load and thus the chance for a big crash and fall

in a lime green jello suprise desert it is yummy precisely because as a human I have the ability to taste the pecans, the pineapple, the lime jello, the cottage cheese all at once in my mouth  yummy

the mistake is thinking that the elements of the desert have lost their identities to please me

love ya
mean it

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