Monday, April 13, 2015

Run Hillary! Run!

Good Morning Relatives

Well Hillary is running   and guess what  I believe her presidency will be an interesting time.  Yep  I believe she will be elected  I dreamed years ago that she was president and she was using the resources of her office to rebuild the house for the children   how cool is that

Im for cool

Im also for finishing my tattoos     I think its time to fill in the blanks so to speak and bring joy to the change  

I have been cleaning out my own house,  metaphorically and physically and the most important thing is to realize that its ok to let go of things  why is that possible  because when I stand still  when I feel me and how I feel feeling good about me then what I feel in that feeling is the clarity that comes from not needing any add ons to feel that clear and clean and peaceful   wow how cool is that?

I think Imelda Marcos must have been in charge of my closet  there are way too many shoes in here  and lets face it we don't need a revolution we just need to stop acting like and thinking as if and ignoring the fact that big money somehow values those of us who are little money for any other purpose than being the gerbil on their wheel   I was a gerbil for a long long time and I thought I was supposed to work hard and spend hard and accumulate and run run run  but all that running just ran me down (maybe thats why I kept buying shoes, maybe I thought I'd eventually be able to find or afford the pair that would end all the running)  I had to crash before I realized that running wasn't taking care of me and when all was said and done I would be dead and not very happy in the process one day so I began to try and find my own happy my own investment in me and it took a while to get out of the habit of running and to get the impetus that I had swallowed for so long out of my mind and body like the backwash of years of brainwashing

thats the most important thing that we can ask Hillary to do for us  and ask ourselves and other new politicians policy makers  teachers and if we have to have them religious guidance counselors to do for us   to help us identify and deconstruct the brainwashing that somehow became a twisted and all powerful OZ of the American ideal and took over our lives like maze rats on Emerald City crack  we have to actually find out what really is the American idea of life what is freedom and life that is not controlled by credit or hours and hours of work or rate of financial return.  We have to take out the trash without throwing out the baby  to not fill the babies head with stories and class oriented money oriented right is might oriented salvation is worth dying and killing for ideologies that will continue and have destroyed the beautiful opportunity that life here in this country can be

be brave relatives  be radical   throw out the running and I promise you that the morning will come when you will see all the shoes and not only wonder why did I buy these  but I don't need them any more and you can toss them out

be a part of disentaglement theory in action

attachment shows up right away if I pick something up  and immediately begin to tell myself a story about it and me   then its like tendrils of intertwinement which interestingly enough the spell checker wants to change to entertainment   which is the point isn't it?  the point of letting ourselves bloom without being intertwined in ownership of something to have ourselves our lives without the need to fill or define our lives with a wish or a fantasy or a story of who we are or what our lives meant when this thing is or was a part of it  and liking that story we travel away from where we are right now

right now I am typing so that I can practice using my fingers in a coordinated manner,  also so that I can get my brain back on line after it got knocked loose when I fell in 2012  and I am sitting  the fire is going  and I am having turkish coffee  I didn't burn the bacon this morning which means my brain is able to remember a multitask  and the smoke alarm is chirping so I need to go and take a moment to reset it   and my lungs feel good   each breath feels like life  like a virgin opportunity  my trunk feels steady  and my legs willing and my left and right arm feel like distant cousins  one attached to the rest of me and one sort of here painfully so  tentative  like a ghost of its previous self  but not fearful today

now is the time to get involved in self government to try and try again and make a place for the common human being to do well   its time to let go of the idea that more money is worth more of your life   to let go of the idea that more stuff makes things more valuable

there is great value in enjoying how it feels to be able to walk   to laugh   to watch the nankin cherry bushes outside the window bud out a little more each day  to see the lilacs begin to leaf out
do you think that the spring robins are fat or just still encased in their winter down ?

watch yourselves  relatives  beware of old stories that trap you somewhere than in the day that is in your hands right this moment  

beware of anything that promises that you will be or become or achieve something that relies of carrying around or holding onto a weight or an artificial light or a premise that wants you to dance around its maypole    remember when we trade our work  our effort our brilliance we are making a trade of our life for something that will end something that will wear out or down and we must make sure that we remain sustainable as our own resource  we must make sure that we understand that trading our life  our time  our effort is incredibly valuable  and if who or what we are trading for wants us to believe we are less than them or it  or that we are less if we let go of them or it then they and perhaps we if we buy into that idea are mistaken

do not trade your life, your breath your weight your appetite or your present moment for something that needs you to give more to it than it gives to you

water poured out on the ground takes a long time to come back as rain, or as food, or as breath


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