Thursday, February 12, 2015

burn after reading

Good Morning Relatives

Have you noticed that this blog doesn't have ads running when you pull it up?  have you noticed that there isn't a tracker imbedded in it so that when you pull up your Facebook or next query page on your internet browser that this blog doesn't sneak itself into your visual field and try to run away with your mind and attention?

well you can come here and just hang out  if you like   I think the biggest day we've ever had has been 19 or so   usually there are two or three who come here for a nap  not too many ad companies want to hitch their wagon to this one.  and thats ok with me  its still content that is uncensored and nonfat based and not owned by any political parties  its not bad really  I am not sure why so many blogs and information pages are so crazy full of things that are linked together to the browser on google or whomever is running the search engines these days

its like all the ads from tv and radio went viral and multiplied into the inability to even pull up a medical article and read it without having to learn how to not accidentally click on a celebrity gossip or the crazy get rid of belly fat by avoiding these five food thingy  

how things have changed  not sure how to stop this visual and web page viral overloaded ad crazy ness  maybe just wait till it crashes or find a teenager who understands how to block a web browser better than I do  maybe just making sure I am not caught up in it  or driven by it   like the gas coupon thing at the grocery store   cents off a gallon if I buy a product manufactured by a certain large company wonder if they own the gas also?   its still irksome to live where the stores are small and the shelf space and ad space in coupons are driven by the large soft drink, chip and cracker and frozen food entree manufacturers    there is no way to actually have a grocery store that offers regular non shelf space and paid by subsidies food that determines what I get to choose to eat   is there?  grocery stores are dependent on customers spending and like this blog if numbers were the game we would starve to death wouldn't we   well no actually I wouldn't  I won't

money really has become a god hasn't it?  and if the housing market crash happened because people were willing to get something for nothing and there were people willing to sell and trade futures  our futures over and over until the root traders were secure enough with their compounded moneys that they could turn around and pull the plug on those who were out there dangling on mortgages and credit cards that they couldn't hope to afford  like drunk lemmings running for the cliff instead of the sea  and everyone crashed except those who planned and traded on that money scam that was sold over and over and over

those who got out early got out   but I doubt they are idle   It was after that that the internet changed wasn't it?  it was after that that viral ads went viral

someone is paying money to make produce and sell those ads  someone is selling the space on your computer and the space in your face and is tracking and selling anything and everything that you browse through so that they can sell sell sell

why are people allowing so many Facebook and twitter and pintrest and ad linking viruses to attach themselves to their blogs or articles or what ever

so they can have exposure  so they can be liked so they can get paid to rent space on their dime hoping that you will spend your dime in their store

sway out there somewhere is another deficit  it has a face   it has a viral infection fed by someone who wants money   doesn't have to be my money or yours as long as they get it in the end '

wonder what that crash will do

did you realize that so many people are on prescription medications in this country that we who are required to have insurance are required to have and pay for a prescription medication plan even if we do not, cannot, and will not take them?  

well what is the option   ?  well  people will die won't they?  if we don't pay for them then what is the cost ? the cost is not life  its not that people will die if untreated  its that their income generating stream will end for someone else if they die.  that is why they are supported through insurance and "care" programs that reduce one cost but jack up so many others that the income streams are innumerable linked to one person who is paying paying paying  and believe me when the paying is not enough to justify the out lay  then you die any way

sound depressing   no worse than five belly fat items whatever they are

so make a decision to feed the rats or jump the ship  it will cost you your life either way  it just depends on what kind of life you want in the interim doesn't it ?

its going to smell really bad when all this stuff crashes isn't it?  clean water and really good septic systems are going to be really important  and a really good dog

keep your money in your pocket and stop "sharing" see what happens next

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