Good Morning Relatives
I thought about the events that took place on 9-11-01 truly a day of lunacy and since that day we have been at war for over 5110 days we as a nation acted as if we could eliminate the vulgar the horrific the violent from our world body if we went to war and did our best to kill what brought us so much pain and loss then somehow that would make it all go away make it better make us normal again but how can we ever be normal if normal means that which never felt loss or pain or put upon by those who cannot think beyond death why have we put our lives in the hands of those who such a small and tight and painful grip on the soul of the world why do we not see that they are the small thorn that reminds us why we take a break and laugh, or play, or be gentle and generous
the war that followed 9-11 was not just about vengeance, it was about profit and dominance of one right over another using might using death, starvation, threat of violence, economic infiltration and dominance
instead of our government helping us heal from that tragic day they have made the scar bigger and deeper
it just seems to not make very much sense does it?
what happened to making the peaceful bigger what happened to our global footprint?
for two years I have been dealing with the pain and loss, the fear and change in my psyche that falling and being crushed did to me. I thought last winter that I had it made I was in the clear and on the road to freedom when I slipped on the ice at the little job I had taken on and fell again, only this time even though the fall was not as horrific the injuries to my shoulder were more severe and have more devastating effect.
why does this matter? how does it relate to 9-11 ?
falling down changed my self perspective the pain and persistent losses attract my focus like flies to butter or dogs to a bone the efforts to heal, rehabilitate and restore my upper left quadrant to its former or I would even settle for a new glory keep that focus squarely on the damage and pain meter that became the only mirror in which I gazed striving to see a me that did not have pain and loss or that memory of such an horrific event in my mind, in my day, in my life
I think many of us want the horror and the pain in our lives to be gone like magic to be eliminated like the Taliban from the face of our earth
but its not going to happen we can't erase events and if we did it would surely erase those who died while on their innocent road those who were bringing beauty to their lives and the lives of those who they knew erasing would erase them as well
but if you are or were anything like me after I was injured all I can think about is I don't want this pain I don't want to feel this way I don't remember what I used to do only what I can't do now and my day is measured in pain and loss and unbeknownst to me my upper left quadrant became my identity and the more I pushed and struggled against it the less of me as a happy person or a peaceful person existed
then the rehab people put me in the pool and what a difference all of the sudden what I could feel was that there was more of me that was happy, whole and healthy than the 1/4 of me that was not and even in that 1/4 there were parts that were not all bad it was a new day and I had happy back in my life
then I went to the lymphologist and she worked on my left quadrant to move the stagnant lymph out of its entrenchment and all of that toxicity hitting my system made me sick and it brought all that pain right back but this time because I had been in the pool and found happy in me real as all get out that pain persona had a hole in its argument that it owned me that it defined me and that it was all that I should focus on
there is a difference when we are called to fight or to respond in kind to violence when we do not let that violence take hold of our identity, there is a difference in us and created in our world when we, rather than fighting, call to mind that which is not violent that which is not in pain and instead lift up hold and consider truly all the kindness and goodness and peace that also exists
I am typing here one hand quiet and peaceful one hand in terrific pain, tight, reactive. both are me one the quiet one feels like love to me the other feels like war ready to leap off the cliff and take me with it to a bitter end
before the pool I forgot about how most of me is love most of me is quiet and steady I only thought about the war that I was raging against events that changed me events that I cannot erase from my cellular memory I thought I was doing the right thing going to war against me
but now I am not so sure
I think the pain will recede, I think the tissues mend, I think it will take time, perhaps the rest of my life to heal and to rebuild and I may never live another day without that footprint of horror in my body but what I find is that I have two feet two hands two shoulders two rib cages and one is quiet both are me as a whole being I find that the pain is not so overwhelming when I look at the sum total of who I am and I find that just admitting the presence of love, of peace in myself makes the pain more bearable it doesn't magically change me into a functional perfect being but it changes my self identification and it changes my sense of worth it give me grace it reminds me of the life that was before and the life that is still a good life it keeps me from warring with me and I have an idea that without that war I would and will eventually have more peace in my body than pain
love has to have a footprint in our life
we can choose to strengthen that which makes war or strengthen that which makes peace peace dose not come by killing that part of us that feels pain or has suffered loss we cannot conquer death but we can live life can't we?
we cannot win a war ever there is no erasing or eliminating pain or death with more pain and death and with cutting off our hateful parts from that which is greater that which is peaceful
we are all of it and until we stop raging against ourselves we will never rest
find the love in you find the peace give it a foot print lay down your arms against yourself
I have
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