Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the Key to Love

Relatives Relatives relatives

how good to be able to visit again .  thank you for waiting   LOL it took a bit to get up after such a fall
here is a link to check for details

it is hard to do the shift for capitals and for spell check so please bear with me ok? my hands and fingers get tired and don't always push just the key I'm looking for  LOL  thanx  

wow a winter of contemplation  in the works

i did order internet finally  it is 26.00 a month for a year and will help me stay connected without going nextdoor in the cold and carrying my computer back and forth  let me know if anyone wants to be in charge of creatign a pool to cover that cost for this work and we can set up getting the payment directly to the internet guys thanx so much  one thing this fall has clearly brought to bear in mind is that everything is so much more smooth with free flowing result if it is shared  by many   when I think of the effort it took to get me on the backboard and my limbs secured and my neck then out of the house into the ambulance and then at the first then second hospital and all the steps from diagnosis triage care then to surgery and recovery etc  i realized how much a team can do.  ive been a veterinarian way too long LOL we do way too much by ourselves. we forget how to accept help.  so much can be accomplished by so many so quickly and less cost to bear when there is a group effort

i want to figure out Gmas how we can be a group effort ?  not fancy and showy  or splashy with great media  just steady and smooth and with endurance eh?  tell me how i can make a difference for you?

yesterday was a hard day for me  I cried finally  lots  and was so painful  i could not find relief yesterday from pain.   what a difference between this old house so far from being done and so LOl well worn out on the one hand and all renewed and full of joy on the other.   and me with two fx arms unable to even carry out the trash or finish the walls.

caught between the reflection of where the vision and the effort must eventually reconcile.  where the little seedling had the choice to push up and reach for the sky after so much work getting through the mud was so hard.  and no one there to witness  no one there to notice the difference the small unnoticed choice makes.

GMas when I read the email notice about the shift hubbard event in austraila; I thought of you and all small beings everywhere every small person in the day choosing now.  not then on the 21st,  not once in an age, but now,  in the unremarkable moment.  we who make the small unnoticed choices every day in my town, your neoghborhood, and yes all across this earth  those who are not celebrated or worldwide connected spangly  they are not what will make the greatest change; you are   if you beleive in you  if you nurthure you and each other in the simple in the small and unnoticed.  that is what creates the fabric of the world every day

 what a difference in that and the choice of getting to the phone no matter what after i fell and the glorious web event that GMa Robbie let us know is going on across the world.  such a difference  like two true opposites  i believe GMas that I make a difference  that the Spirits are right here with me saying "Yes" to me even as i am saying "Yes" to you

i believe GMas, in you, like that.  Yes.    i got up because i believe in you  each one of you  that you count  that each particle of you in its simple plainness going along in the day  in your day as you unfolding the joy of life in your own beautiful special seed is more powerful than any and all events or technolinks any where.  [these things are good not dissing anyone]  but i have laid on the floor with a bleeding face, crushed wrist, broken shoulder, and no heat or comforts or donations from world media or success, i have laid there in great shock and pain recognizing i was being offered an end to all this work GMas and I saw only the beauty and worthwhileness of you.  you as you are in all your simpleness
thank you GMas for showing up
thank you for calling me
for emailing
for sending cards
it mattered and does so much that you let me know that I matter to you
that is why i know it is so important to let you klnow that you matter to me  to everything.
 YOU are the Key to Love

we are very different here in the rock and the grass and the earth and sky than those in the big link events, except in the heart,  in our breath, we all share the same heart, the same breath the same choice in the moment.   that is constant between those folks and this simple house with its  caretaker and the great pipes and Spirits that dwell here  we are strong and steady and full of love  holding the fire for the Cheyenne for you GMa's for the small and simple  we I you  we will hold and carry forth that fire Eh? we will get up so we are not late for work.

it took me 30-40 minutes to inch my way to the phone trying to acknowledge but not dwell in the reality of broken arms and then to get up to the counter and call 911.  by myself i could only manage to stayconcious and reach out for help  i just kept focusing on not going to sleep.  dont go back to sleep GMas.  we are all here all together even as our gatherings seem so long ago we are still at the fire the prayer is still being delivered

i was asked the other day why i accepted a flu shot at the hospital when i have never had one    i said that it was impoertant to take very good care of the love and investment in me that all the medical and emergency people had given to save me and put me back together  to not waste that effort or care or dedication  
but to protect it and nurture it and do my part    like eating sushi or raw vegitables  immediate transfer of life force into a life of care and love direct is best  no waste

as for the flu shot  i have thought about them for years  and am not uneducated about them  what a flu shot really does is not prevent the flu ( a common mis conception) but it is given and designed to protect the recipient from getting secondary complications such as pneumonia from the flu.  the flu is really hard on the body  and it can leave us unprotected from secondary things that can actually kill us like pneumonia.  so the vaccine is designed to lessen the flus ability to wipe out or use up our resources thus protecting us from other snowball or avelanche complications.  cool huh

so to help protect me who was already compromised and thus protect others investment in me i took the shot.    

i think this is pretty good blogness for today  i appreciate you i respect you and pray with the pipes that somehow  you can feel your worth every minute and not waste even a single drop of joy and steadfastness in your day

love peace joy

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